From Mandela Barnes <[email protected]>
Subject It’s National Voter Registration Day!
Date September 19, 2023 3:09 PM
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[1]The Long Run PAC

It’s National Voter Registration Day! My bet is that you’re already registered to vote, so I’m hoping you’ll help me get more Wisconsinites registered by supporting Power to the Polls!

Split $5 between Power to the Polls and The Long Run here:

CONTRIBUTE: [link removed]

In the past few weeks, we have seen the Wisconsin GOP viciously attack the fundamentals of our democracy.

They have vowed to impeach democratically elected Justice Janet because her flipping the balance of the Wisconsin Supreme Court poses a threat to their heavily gerrymandered maps.

They have attempted to fire Meagan Wolfe, the leading nonpartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission administrator, legitimizing far-right conspiracy theories that she aided in “stealing the 2020 election.”

And who knows what they’ll do next, but they certainly won’t stop here.

The GOP is attempting to undermine our democracy so it has never been more important to ensure that Wisconsinites show up to the polls and use their voice to remove these power-hungry lawmakers.

Power to the Polls can help make that happen. They work to empower and mobilize Wisconsin voters to show up on the issues in every election.

Power to the Polls is one of the most effective Black-led organizing projects out there, and this work will help determine the outcome of the 2024 election. So, Power to the Polls needs as many resources as possible to make sure Wisconsinites show up to the polls next November.

So please, in honor of National Voter Registration Day, can you please split a $5 contribution between Power to the Polls and The Long Run today? Your support will make a crucial difference in 2024.

CONTRIBUTE: [link removed]

Thank you in advance for your support


P.S. You can use this link to check your voter registration status!
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