From Bob Casey HQ <[email protected]>
Subject What your donation will do
Date September 18, 2023 4:10 PM
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[1]Mark Kelly for Senate

Hey everybody, it’s Mark Kelly. My friend Bob Casey is running for re-election to the Senate in 2024, and we’re working to support him. I hope you’ll read the message below from his team, and consider splitting a donation between Bob Casey's campaign and mine.

DONATE: [link removed]


Team, there is no other way to say this — Senate campaigns these days are expensive, particularly in states like Pennsylvania.

Mitch McConnell is targeting our race in Pennsylvania, so we know we’re going to see millions upon millions of right-wing dark money flooding into our Commonwealth.

We need to make sure we have the resources to fight back — and from traveling across the state to putting TV ads on the air to even buying pens and clipboards, campaign expenses add up fast.

That’s why we are working hard to ensure we build a campaign that is ready to take on whatever the GOP throws at us. Will you split a donation of any amount between Mark Kelly and our campaign today?

DONATE: [link removed]

Among the Senate battleground states, Pennsylvania is a historically expensive state. With over $381 million dollars spent in the Commonwealth’s 2022 U.S. Senate race, strong grassroots support is critical to our success in 2024.

We’re building our campaign early so that we’re prepared for the long road ahead. (Remember — it wasn’t even 24 hours after Senator Casey launched his re-election campaign that Republicans released attacks!)

Will you split a contribution to our campaign today? Your donation will allow us to host campaign events, air TV ads, hire more staff, and organize voters across Pennsylvania.

DONATE: [link removed]

Thank you so much,

Team Casey

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