From Tammy Baldwin <[email protected]>
Subject I won’t let them turn back the clock
Date September 17, 2023 3:10 PM
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[1]Mark Kelly for Senate

Hey everybody, it’s Mark Kelly. My friend Tammy Baldwin is running for re-election to the Senate in 2024, and we’re working to support her. I hope you’ll read the message below from her, and consider splitting a donation between Tammy's campaign and mine.

DONATE NOW: [link removed]


Hi folks, Tammy Baldwin here.

When I ran for Senate in 2012, a lot of powerful people didn’t think I had a shot. But this incredible grassroots team fought alongside me — even as others wrote us off. With your help, I became the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate from our state and the first openly gay Senator in our nation’s history.

I didn’t run to make history, however, I ran to make a difference in people’s lives. That’s what I’ve been hard at work doing every day since — especially in the fight to protect and expand LGBTQ+ rights.

But across the country right now, extreme Republicans are working overtime to advance a wave of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. They are targeting transgender youth in particular, trying to roll back their rights and freedoms.

I refuse to be discouraged. I ran for office to make a difference, and I won't let anti-LGBTQ+ Republicans turn back the clock. I'm going to keep fighting for our fundamental rights and freedoms, but I can't do it alone.

Will you split a donation today between my reelection campaign and Mark Kelly to help defend our Democratic majority? We can't let Republicans take back the Senate and continue their crusade to roll back our rights and freedoms.

DONATE NOW: [link removed]

Thank you for joining me in this fight.

— Tammy

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