From Team Kelly <[email protected]>
Subject Incredible.
Date September 15, 2023 9:10 PM
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[1]Mark Kelly for Senate

The strength of this team continues to amaze us.

We set pretty high goals because we’ve got a lot on the agenda this year. Whether it’s supporting the Arizona state party or backing friends in tough races, the schedule is packed.

Putting together infrastructure that can hold Arizona, defending it against whichever radical MAGA Republican runs for Senate... that isn’t cheap.

But every month so far, this team has stepped up.

And with an official FEC deadline approaching on September 30, we need your help again.

Can you chip in and support Mark ahead of our mid-month fundraising deadline? $5 is all we’re asking for. With hundreds of people joining you, that $5 will add up fast.

DONATE: [link removed]

Thank you. This means a lot to Mark and to the whole team.

Team Kelly

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