Friday, September 15, 2023                                                          WEBSITE | SHARE ON:  
Foxx Report

House Republicans continue to put accountability first. On Tuesday, Speaker McCarthy directed three House committees – Judiciary, Oversight and Accountability, and Ways and Means – to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Biden. Throughout the course of this year, these committees have uncovered credible evidence of corruption by President Biden – much of which I have shared with you previously. This evidence was obtained through hearings, witness testimony, the production of documents, and relentless oversight. As a member of the Oversight and Accountability Committee, I am immensely proud to be involved in the work these committees are doing to bring the truth to the American people.

The media has a knack for twisting the facts and misleading people about the purpose of an impeachment inquiry, so allow me to clear things up and set the record straight. An impeachment inquiry serves three important purposes:

  • Outlining the scope of the investigation.
  • Putting those accused on formal notice.
  • Bringing transparency to the American people.

Just last month, House Republicans released detailed banking records showing how the Biden cabal received $20 million in payments from foreign actors. These payments came from individuals in places like Russia and Kazakhstan, including payments during Joe Biden’s time as Vice President. What’s more House Republicans have uncovered that when Joe Biden was Vice President, he joined dozens of Hunter Biden’s business meetings by phone and in person. These actions all share the same telltale signs of rampant corruption.

In his announcement this week, Speaker McCarthy hammered home the point that every American deserves to know: public offices are not for sale – and that the federal government is not being used to cover up the actions of a politically-associated family. I wholeheartedly agree with his sentiment. The allegations of abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption that House Republicans have raised are supported by the evidence we have uncovered every step of the way. Our efforts to uphold accountability will not cease.

Recognizing Truckers

This week, I was proud to recognize America’s 3.5 million truckers, including 66,830 professional drivers in North Carolina, on the House floor during National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. To me, truckers are the unsung heroes of our nation’s supply chain. They cover over 320 billion miles per year to deliver 11.5 billion tons of freight. That’s nearly 13 million trips around the globe. Every one of those miles represents a stocked store shelf, a package placed on a household doorstep, materials delivered to a manufacturer, and equipment conveyed to a construction site. 

To watch my floor speech, click here.

Scams By The Numbers

Periodically, I share news of the latest scams affecting North Carolinians across the state so that you can be better equipped with the knowledge and facts to avoid them. According to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center, in 2022, $10.3 billion was lost by Americans to a variety of online scams – a 277% increase from just five years ago. What’s more, out of that $10.3 billion, scams affecting North Carolinians clocked in at a staggering $175 million across 10,554 victims. This means that the average loss per victim was $16,624.  So, please be careful, very, very careful.

To learn more about key findings from the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center’s report, click here.

Quote of The Week

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Have a blessed weekend,

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