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Dear friend,

Did you see the email last week from Zambian Debt Justice campaigner Precious Kalombwana?  

Since she emailed thousands of you have added your name to the campaign for a new law to cancel debt. 

And in a few weeks times we’ve got a real chance to get our message heard. Political leaders will be meeting at their party conferences to decide what policies they’ll be prioritising over the next few years.  

This is our chance to make sure a new law to cancel debts for the 54 countries that need it is pushed up the agenda.  

Can you help get the change Precious is calling for by adding your name to the campaign?

Thank you so much for everything you do. 
In solidarity,
Eva and the Debt Justice team
Dear friend,

My name is Precious Kalombwana. Will you stand with me?  

As I write to you my country, Zambia, faces the worst debt crisis we’ve seen in decades.  

Mine is one of 54 countries in crisis, forced to cut public services like health and education and prevented from tackling the climate crisis. All to pay back lenders like big banks and hedge funds at eyewatering interest rates.  

But a new law could help compel these lenders to cancel debt. Will you add your name to mine and call for action to be taken?

Join the campaign

The Zambian government has been spending six times more on debt repayments than healthcare. And last year there were floods, that resulted in my father’s house being destroyed. Our government needs to respond to these crises but doesn’t have the funds.  

All while $6.5 billion is owed to these Cowboy Lenders, who are profiting from the debt crisis.  

But campaigning in solidarity with supporters like you, we’ve made some real progress. Earlier this year a debt relief agreement was reached for some of what Zambia owes, but big banks and hedge funds, like financial giant BlackRock, have been refusing to cancel debt.  

Now we have a rare opportunity to win change and get the debt cancelled.  

Many of Zambia’s loans were given under English law, so the UK has a unique opportunity to play a part in ending the debt crisis by introducing a new law that could compel these creditors to act.

Stand with me: add your name

It’s happened before and if we all act together it could happen again. In 2010 the UK government brought in a similar law which helped make a huge difference for millions. 

Will you stand with me and the people of Zambia and add your name in support of my open letter calling for action?

In solidarity,  

Precious Kalombwana 

Zambian activist and debt justice campaigner (pictured left)

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