We wanted to reach out and answer a few questions that we get about our campaign and how we fundraise.

Hi team –

We wanted to reach out and answer a few questions that we get about our campaign and how we fundraise.

  1. Why do you ask for $1, $5, or $10 donations? Does that really make a difference? The answer is yes! Wiley was able to win this race and flip this seat last year because of contributions from grassroots donors. In campaigns like ours, every single bit adds up and helps us reach new goals and make a difference. No matter the amount you’re able to give, it all helps us get to where we need to be.
  2. How come you send multiple emails a week? Well, we love keeping in touch with our supporters. We email to give you all updates on what Wiley has been doing in DC or in the district and to ask if you can chip in to keep our momentum going. It’s important that we continue to build up our support, especially as we get closer and closer to November 2024.
  3. Do I have to donate every time you reach out? Definitely not! But just by opening our emails, clicking on links, or sharing it with a friend, you’re helping us out.

We hope that helped answer some questions that may have been on your mind. And while we don’t expect you to donate to every email we send, we hope you may be able to give $5 to this one.


Thank you, friends!

Team Wiley


Wiley Nickel is the Congressman for NC-13. His 2022 opponent, Bo Hines, has announced he'll run against Wiley in 2024. Support #TeamWiley with a monthly donation today!


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Paid for by Wiley Nickel for Congress


Wiley Nickel for Congress
PO Box 563
Raleigh, NC 27602
United States