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Dear Jack,

It’s happening!  Ole Miss has launched the Declaration of Independence Center for the Study of American Freedom - and it is one of the most exciting things to have happened to the liberty movement in this state for years.

A generation ago, Allan Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind explained how many US universities were abandoning the Western cannon of thought and literature.  Instead of being places where students were exposed to different ideas, Bloom prophetically warned that there would be a narrowing of curiosity and exploration by university elites.
Sure enough, over the past couple of decades, students have often been taught that America’s founding documents are somehow obsolete.  The founding principles might have suited an agrarian republic in the past, but today, some college academics suggest, they no longer need apply.
Worse, perhaps, without being anchored in the Western tradition, universities have taken up an assortment of post-modern ideas.  This has seen students encouraged to believe that race and gender somehow define their condition. 
Look at the Lyceum – can anyone see evidence of our Classical past?
How refreshing, therefore, to see a new institution emerging that teaches young Mississippians that they might have something positive to learn from their past.  How inspiring it is that here is a collection of scholars prepared to immerse themselves in timeless truths.  I predict that courses at the new Center will prove to be wildly popular as all those Gen Zs discover there is something else on offer besides the sterile prism of ‘wokeness’.
Students will be learning not what to think, but how to think.  Above all they will be learning how to have fierce disagreements without being disagreeable.
Speaking at Ole Miss...
The Center will embrace diversity.  Not the patronizing variety that presumes we are each defined by immutable characteristics, but authentic diversity, which encourages a range of opinions and ideas.
I am thrilled that Senator Tim Scott, one of the most inspiring American success stories I can think of, will be speaking at the Ford Center on Friday September 29th at 7pm.  The event is free and open to everyone!
The Declaration Center logo features Paul Revere, who famously warned that “The British are coming!” 
This Brit will certainly be visiting the Declaration Center as often as I can.  Indeed, I have been invited to give a lecture there this coming Thursday September 14th.
If you are reading this, I hope you will sign up to come to listen to the Senator Scott and others speak, too!
The Center is open to ordinary people and has the most stupendous schedule of speakers, who will be talking about a great variety of topics, from Israel to equality.
Please do sign up to some of the Center’s events!
Forward this email to a friend!
Warm regards, 

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
Ps.  At the State Policy Network meeting in Chicago the other week, I talked about the policy progress we have been making in Mississippi.  You can watch here: 
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