News from Representative Betty McCollum




Dear Fourth District Constituent,


As Minnesota students, teachers, and staff head return to school this week, today I welcomed U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to the Fourth District for the last stop of the “Back to School Bus Tour 2023: Raise the Bar!”



We toured the Txuj Ci Lower School in Saint Paul, and learned how it’s investing American Rescue Plan funds for ongoing academic recovery, including its curriculum that preserves Hmong language, culture, and history. Federal investments we made through the American Rescue Plan continue to deliver for Minnesota families and communities.

Remembering 9/11

Monday is the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Let us all take this opportunity to remember the Americans who lost their lives that day, and the brave first responders who helped save lives.

Not long before the attack, I was sworn in as a Member of Congress, taking an oath to protect the U.S. Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Two decades later, attacks on democracy look different, but the lesson remains the same. We must defend against domestic terrorism and hold those who have perpetrated it accountable, such as those who attempted to overthrow our government on January 6th. And we must band together in defense of democracy and against authoritarianism, staying united against Putin and his war on Ukraine. On 9/11, our allies rallied around us—and as democratic nations, we have a responsibility to support them now.

Keeping the Federal Government Open

As I head back to Washington next week, my most important priority is keeping the government open and working for the American people. With just a few weeks until the end of the fiscal year, the House Republican majority should not waste time on bills that include dangerous and divisive social policy riders—but should come together with us to pass bipartisan bills that meet Americans’ needs.

Last night, I held a virtual update on the challenges and opportunities we’re facing. You can watch it here. 


Celebrating Our Success!


I was so glad to join the Minnesota Playwrights’ Center groundbreaking event this week to celebrate its new home in Saint Paul. This organization is a foundational part of our theatre community. Working together, we brought home $4 million in Community Project Funding to support this renovation! Securing these federal resources boosts our thriving arts ecosystem and economy in the Fourth District. 

Expanding Public River Access  
It was great to visit with Stillwater Mayor Ted Kozlowski earlier this week at the City’s newly acquired Aiple property and learn about how this site, which includes 3,500 feet of Saint Croix River shoreline, will be revitalized for public access.

This is a great investment between Stillwater and Washington County, that will benefit East Metro residents!

Neighborhood Office Hours

ImageNeighborhood Office Hours will be held this Tuesday, September 12, at Woodbury City Hall from 10am-noon.


If you need assistance with a federal agency, you can stop by (or call our office to make an appointment) and members of my staff will be available to assist. 

Learn more here. 


As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with your policy opinion or if you need help with a federal agency.


Thank you for being an informed and engaged constituent.






Betty McCollum
Member of Congress



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