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ASBN is committed to working with and alongside our network to develop and elevate the policy solutions needed for inclusive and long-lasting systems change -- thank you all for your part in advancing our mission.

168 American Businesses Within The ASBN Network Urge EPA to Move Forward on Carbon Cutting Rule

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received a significant boost in its efforts to cut carbon from our energy supply with a statement of strong support from over 150 businesses convened by ASBN. Signatories included brands like ECOS, MegaFood, Avocado Green Brands, and New Leaf Paper, and groups like Natural Investments LLC and the US Hemp Building Association.

This summer has been marked by severe climate impacts, with Texas experiencing record-breaking heat waves leading to blackouts and wildfires in Canada spreading smoke across the United States mainland. Most recently, Hawaii’s island, Maui is currently recovering from an unprecedented and devastating wildfire. These events underscore the urgent need for a more reliable and resilient energy supply.

Read more here.

August 16, 2023 marked the one year anniversary since The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Biden. The IRA is a crucial player in enforcing action to combat climate change and has the potential to get us closer to the United States' goals to cut emissions in half by 2030. Learn more about all the IRA OPPORTUNITIES in our blog recap here.



The U.S. Department of Labor launched a new initiative within its Employee Benefits Security Administration to empower workers through ownership arrangements and educate those workers on possible pathways to greater rewards in return for their work.

Upcoming Events

ASBN’s Annual Conference

November 28 – December 1, 2023 | Berkeley, CA

An in-person convening for business leaders, impact investors, policy makers, and more!

ASBN 2023 is a convening that exists to inform, connect, and mobilize business leaders and investors to transform the public and private sectors toward a sustainable economy that is stakeholder-driven, regenerative, just, and prosperous. ASBN has the uniquely potent ability to build the large-scale movement of profound economic and public policy change the world so desperately needs.

The conference will offer daily engaging main stage sessions, action-oriented breakout workshops, deep dives, local Berkeley excursions, film screenings, live music, and lots of time to connect and build relationships with your fellow attendees.

Learn more and register here.


The Small Business Anti-Displacement Network’s (SBAN) Conference, “Strengthening Community & Building Opportunity,”November 1-3, 2023, at The Hotel at the University of Maryland. Learn more about the 2023 SBAN conference here.

Urban Manufacturing Alliance (UMA) 2023 National Gathering, “Manufacturing Power: Levers for Inclusive Action Through Production Economies” Oct 10-12, 2023  in Baltimore, MD. Learn more about UMA’s gathering here.


For more information on upcoming events, visit ASBN's 2023 events calendar.
Please contact Thulasi Sivalingam at [email protected] with any questions.

SocialLab is looking for your support!

ASBN Member organization, Social Lab, is looking for help in identifying examples of organizations that have successfully raised money from grassroots investors rather than from high-net-worth individuals. 

This research aims to make the case that investing with underrepresented founders - women and BIPOC - is both beneficial for the investor and the entrepreneur.

If you have any examples that could support this research please email: [email protected]


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