
BREAKING: Kira Sanchez, the Kleberg County Attorney, has announced she is switching parties and will run as a Republican.

Sanchez joins a growing movement of South Texans switching to the Republican Party over the last two years, including Karnes County Sheriff Dwayne Villanueva and State Rep. Ryan Guillen.

“There is an unprecedented crisis at our southern border. I believe that the GOP’s policies of law and order best align with my values and the values of the citizens of Kleberg County,” said Sanchez. If you agree with her view, can we count on you to show support for her today?
Sanchez is the daughter of Mexican immigrants and credits them for her conservative values. She believes the Radical Left often assumes all Hispanics are Democrats, but says that’s not really the case. “I feel like a lot of Hispanic Americans are Republican, and they don't even know it,” Sanchez said.

We couldn’t be prouder of her for speaking up and telling it like it is. Biden and the Democrats don’t want to accept it, but Republican values are held by people of all races and ethnicities.

“I was nervous to be called a traitor, but I feel very comfortable in switching. I feel like I'm at home and this is where I belong,” Sanchez said. Will you help us welcome her home by chipping in any amount today?
We encourage all Republicans to join us in welcoming Kleberg County Attorney Kira Sanchez to the Republican Party.

From the panhandle to the Rio Grande Valley, Texans see the damage an open border and Democrat policies have on their communities and continue to flock to Republicans. We’ll continue to accept them with open arms.

Defending Texas and Saving America,

Texas Republicans

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P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768

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