VoteWater Deep Dive: This chemical treatment kills toxic algae - but is it safe?
Florida water management officials are increasingly relying on a peroxide-like chemical to kill and dissipate toxic algae blooms. But despite assurances the product is completely safe, some experts say we need more research before we can come to that conclusion. And others (like VoteWater) point out that Florida needs to do more to tackle pollution at the source - rather than merely treating the toxic blue-green symptoms of that pollution after the fact.

For a look at the chemicals being used for these "treatments," the effects and the lingering questions, check out our latest "Deep Dive."
Have you signed the Sugar Reform Now petition yet?

Our friends at Friends of the Everglades are spearheading a drive to convince Congress to reform the Sugar Program, part of the federal Farm Bill that keeps the industry profitable and underwrites its political dominance. But thousands have signed the petition demanding change and you can add your name to the list.
ICYMI: Fertilizer bans could be in the legislative crosshairs - and our estuaries could suffer

Summertime fertilizer bans are common throughout Florida, for good reason - the summer rains can quickly wash nutrients from your lawn into into our impaired waterways. But one new study and another on the way could open the door to legislative attempts to ban the bans. For more, check out our report.