Hi John,

Lee Anderson has crossed a line. The time has come for Rishi Sunak to remove him as Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party.

Last week, I wrote to you about Lee Anderson MP. He’s the one who said that asylum seekers should “f*** off back to France”. 

Will you email Sunak today, telling him to remove Lee Anderson from his central role in the Conservative Party?


Lee Anderson is at the heart of the Conservative Party. It is unacceptable for a senior Government figure to use this hateful language and avoid any repercussions.

We don’t think that’s right, and thousands of other HOPE not hate supporters agree with us. They’ve already sent an email to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak saying that Anderson must go. Will you join them?


Lee Anderson’s words are a symptom of a much larger problem. The Conservative Party is ramping up its anti-migrant hostility and it’s enabling the far right.

Anderson’s comments are indefensible, but that didn’t stop several of his colleagues doing their best to back him up. Together they are contributing to a climate where vulnerable people are used as political footballs. 

This must stop. Not only is it putting those same people at immediate risk, but it is fuelling a far right that is getting increasingly animated and irate. We recorded a 102% rise in far-right “migrant hunter” activity on last year - that doesn’t happen in a vacuum. 

When will Rishi Sunak recognise that his party’s language matters? You still have time to join us and email him now.


The Government needs to know that Lee Anderson’s language is reprehensible and the public stand against it.


Campaigns team, HOPE not hate