Red wolf protections, climate disaster report, and #1 NC climate denier. All of this and more in your CIB for the week of August 14th

Red wolf settlement reached, a climate disaster report, and the #1 NC climate denier. All of this and more in your CIB for the week of August 14th.

Governor Cooper

 Settlement Protects North Carolina's Red Wolves

There’s good news in the long-running attempt to restore native biodiversity in North Carolina.

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Voter ID

Catastrophic Losses Mount from Climate Disasters

Climate catastrophes are no longer right around the corner—they’re here now.

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trees and river

Mark Robinson's Dangerous Denial

Despite the record-breaking temperatures, Mark Robinson still denies climate science.

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Bonus: IRA Anniversary Aug 16th

This Wednesday, August 16th is the one-year anniversary of the biggest investment in clean energy in U.S. history. Help us celebrate it!

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National Make-A-Will Month

August is National Make-A-Will Month, and one way you can continue to advocate for yourself, your loved ones, and your community is by creating your estate plan.

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NC League of Conservation Voters
PO Box 12671
Raleigh, NC 27605
United States