Jay Lucas’ Sunshine Initiative Announces Summer Webinar Series.

Following the successful Sunshine Week Manchester ‘Best Practices” Conference, the Sunshine Initiative will host a six-week webinar series to continue the conversation on Connecting with the Community, Economic Development: Field of Dreams, and Finding the Funding.

In case you missed Sunshine Week, the Sunshine Initiative will release weekly videos of presentations and live events streamed directly to you every Wednesday at noon.

Our first speaker is Jack Potvin, a 2022 University of New Hampshire Graduate. He shares his experience with Project Happy which focuses on reversing unhappiness in young people by connecting and empowering them to their community.

You can see the premier of his presentation happening now on Facebook and Youtube with the links below:

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/jaylucasofficial)

YouTube (https://youtu.be/b_Ay564YJ2o)

The Sunshine Initiative is excited to collaborate with future speakers in the coming weeks and continue spreading the positive spirit of Sunshine Week.

Jay Lucas | www.JayLucas.us

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