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🚌 We are helping 100+ candidates

You’ve read that correctly. With the work and help of Action Together members and allies, conversations having been taking place in many communities in New Jersey to get good and decent people to run for the Board of Education. We’ve exemplified what it means to take “Action Together.”

With our years of grassroots organizing and maintaining relationships through action since 2016, we are elated to have found over 100 good people running for the school boards. THANK YOU to everyone who helped your community!


There is still time. The deadline for petitions is Monday, July 31st. Only ten signatures are needed and the candidate’s signature counts as one of them. We still need people in Morris, Hunterdon, Monmouth, Ocean, Sussex, and Warren Counties to step up. Please refer yourself or refer someone you know who is interested here:

We will provide everything, including the campaign designing that you see here. BoardBOOST candidates get nonpartisan voter lists directly from us, and not tied to any political party. We are truly nonpartisan.

In the coming weeks, these 100+ candidates need community support in a big way. I will be asking for volunteers. They cannot do it alone and it would be malpractice for us to recruit these good people and not help across the finish line.

How else can you help?

You can support our candidates by putting these bumper stickers on your cars. We need to get this message out all over the state! This is a via a Gift with Donation program which helps us provide this program to our candidates at no charge to them:

Please support our program and get your Gift with Donation.

Have a good weekend!

Winn Khuong

Executive Director

Do or Donate 📌


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Madison, NJ 07940

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