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Here is the link to donate!
You can donate as little as $3.00
DEADLINE to donate $25.00 and get a shirt is this Sunday.

Alternatives to Policing Workshop on 3/14/2020

With an increase in police violence and in the wake of Atatiana Jefferson’s murder, it is imperative that we educate communities on alternative resources to utilize other than calling the police. The Racial Justice Working Group is currently fundraising for a workshop that will take place in South Dallas to educate the community on community resources to utilize instead of law enforcement. It is unfortunate that we find ourselves in this position where people of color do not feel safe around police officers. However, it is our duty to help keep them safe. Your donation will help fund these workshops and the materials needed. You can donate as little as $3.00. If you donate $25.00 you will get the Racial Justice Working Group t-shirt below. And we will ship it to you if you aren’t local at no additional cost. Please consider donating. We are halfway to our goal of $2000. Your donation will help us save lives.


A note from the artist: Micah Rabalais

We designed this shirt to look rough and confrontational. The issues of police brutality, mandatory minimums, and the criminalization of black and brown communities are not issues that should be addressed with fun colors and smooth edges.

So the imagery of the shirt is angular, bold, and free-handed. It calls back to protest posters of the Civil Rights era, such as “I Am a Man”, “End Apartheid” and “Can’t Eat, Don’t Buy”.

The black fist represents the struggle for liberation as it snaps the white chains of white supremacy that are entrained into the very foundations of our country.

Only once those chains are broken can the scales of justice truly be balanced.

And only through the dismantling of our capitalist systems can those chains be broken. The red roses on the scales represent the Democratic Socialists of America as we aim to break those chains.

Through socialism, we will bring equality and the “liberty and justice for all” we were promised hundreds of years ago.


Upcoming Alternatives to Policing Activities

Join us at our Alternatives to Policing Workshop on 3/14/2020. 
Details in link below.

If you would like to be a part of the planning of this event come to our next Racial Justice Working Group meeting on 2/23/2020!

If you would like to help us canvass South Dallas on 3/1/2020 for the workshop, here are the details!

Also join us on 4/9/2020 for A Conversation with Alex Vitale author of "The End of Policing"


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