Today we’re asking for just $4.

Hi there, John.

Today we’re asking for just $4.

That’s not a mistake and that’s not a random number pulled from thin air. In fact, we did a little math before writing this email.

And if every person who opens this message gave just $4, we’d surpass our online goal for the ENTIRE month in just ONE email. Grassroots fundraising is the backbone of our campaign, and it’s CRITICAL to our success.

Please, chip in $4 (or whatever works for you!) ASAP to help Josh and Wiley stay on track to succeed >>>


That’s $4 Josh can spend directly on voter contact, digital ads, or yard signs.

That’s $4 to defeat an extremist Republican agenda in North Carolina.

That’s $4 to build a better future for our state – one where voting rights are defended, reproductive freedoms are protected, our schools are fully funded, and working families are put first again.

And that’s $4 to help Josh and Wiley post the strongest possible fundraising numbers at the end of the month.

Your $4 contribution to Josh’s campaign and Wiley couldn’t come at a more critical time. Please, click here to complete your $4 split contribution ASAP>>>

Thank you for your continued support.

- All of us at Josh Stein HQ



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Paid for by Wiley Nickel for Congress


Wiley Nickel for Congress
PO Box 563
Raleigh, NC 27602
United States