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Dear Friend,

Happy Summer! We hope that you are enjoying this time, getting some rest and relaxation in, and staying cool. We've been busy at POV, this month concluding our Youth Over Violence Summer Leadership Institute, elevating our new gun violence awareness campaign, confirming our date and location for our Evening Over Violence event in the fall, all the while continuing to provide our 24/7 around the clock services to survivors and their families. Keep reading for more details!

Our Summer Youth Institute wraps up!

Held every year, POV's Youth Over Violence Leadership Institute is for youth who are committed to building and making powerful social change through awareness, advocacy and violence prevention strategies. The program empowers youth between the ages of 14-19 by educating them on healthy relationships, promoting awareness of teen dating violence, and enhancing community organizing skills. After the summer, students go back to their schools as leaders of campus based violence prevention clubs and become mentors to other students, identifying and cultivating the next generation of leaders. The institute utilizes a combination of educational sessions, trauma-informed activities, field trips, and collaborative internship projects.

This year we received over 40 applicants and accepted 14 participants in the Institute. The internship tracks offered this year were creative writing, visual art, music, and theater. The students worked together on a short film with the title and theme of: "Breaking the Silence," aiming to empower young viewers, encouraging them to find their voices and become advocates against violence. The Institute concludes with a graduation where the students showcase their projects and is attended by parents and families. 

Congratulations to all of the graduates and special shout outs to all of the people that helped make this year’s Summer Institute a huge success: the dedicated graduates and their families, the amazing prevention team at POV, two awesome interns, and the incredible coaches of the internship tracks!

"Breaking the silence means positive change and helping others that do not have the ability, confidence, or resources to speak up." 

— Marco Rodriguez, 16

“I’ve realized that everyone deals with violence differently and you really just have to listen and empathize."

— Leo Ferry, 17

Check out more information on this year’s Institute!

Gun Violence is Preventable

POV is a proud partner along with forty other domestic violence organizations with the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence to work together to raise awareness around gun violence resources and the intersectionality between domestic violence and gun violence. We have launched a new awareness campaign to increase access and knowledge of the systems and resources meant to protect survivors. Our campaign will inform domestic violence survivors and advocates of the availability of all restraining orders and safety measures, with specific reference to gun violence restraining orders (GVROs) and how to petition for one. Gun violence and domestic violence are inextricably linked. Intimate partner gun violence affects far too many of our communities. The risk of violence increases when guns are present in dangerous or abusive situations  - especially for Hispanic and Black women.

Check out our new page on our site for more information, statistics, and resources and stay tuned for more of our campaign.

Imagine Life Without Gun/Domestic Violence: Watch the video!

Save the Date: 10/26/23

Our annual event, Evening Over Violence, returns to the Taglyan Complex in Hollowood this year. Join us!

October 26th, 2023

Sponsorship Opportunities

For 2023 Sponsorship Inquiries, please contact our manager, Anne Bagasao at [email protected] or 213.955.9090 x478.

Thank you to our 2022 Evening Over Violence Sponsors:

Become a Volunteer!

Peace Over Violence encourages caring, compassionate and committed individuals in LA County to become volunteer Violence Prevention Specialists (VPS) or Counselor Advocates.


  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Live in LA County; community members from Metro LA or West San Gabriel Valley preferred
  • Commit to provide service for a one-year period, beginning after the last training session 
  • Pass criminal background check
  • Have reliable transportation, a valid Driver’s license, and proof of current / active insurance

INFO SESSIONS (optional):
August 10 (Virtual on Zoom) | 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Live on Instagram
August 1 (@peaceovrviolnce) | Starts at 2:00 pm

Hybrid, Weekly: August 19 - September 23, 2023 
Wednesdays 6:30pm - 9:30pm (Zoom)
Saturdays 9:00am - 5:00pm (in-person)

In-person meetings will be at Peace Over Violence Metro Headquarters:
1541 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd Fl Los Angeles, CA 90017

Visit our site at to apply and learn more about the benefits and requirements for each individual program. For additional questions, please contact [email protected].

No previous experience is required. Due to the monolingual populations we serve, bilingual candidates fluent in Spanish and/or American Sign Language are encouraged to apply.

This year I celebrate my forty year anniversary on staff at POV. Forty years!

Dear Friend,

I have been in love with our mission and vision since the first day I walked into the office as a volunteer in 1981, and was honored to join as a full time staff member in 1983. Our vision means a lot to me and it always has. Trauma healing and preventing violence have become part of my main purpose in life. When I became Executive Director, there were seven staff members and we are now at 70. I was not only joining an organization, I was joining a movement committed to ending violence against women and girls. How lucky that I found a home to create, advocate, serve and align my values with our everyday mission of building relationships, families and communities free from sexual, domestic and interpersonal violence. I am grateful most of all for all the people: our staff, the volunteers, dedicated supporters, courageous survivors, intrepid colleagues who have been shoulder to shoulder with me over the decades. What a blessing. We are POV strong!

Last October, we celebrated our pandemic-delayed 50th anniversary. As you may know, POV was one of the first dual sexual and domestic violence agencies in the nation. Our 24/7 emergency hotline, serving the Los Angeles community for over five decades, remained completely operational throughout the entire pandemic, while we provided access to emergency housing to survivors fleeing violence. In 2022, we directly served 25,000 individuals and reached millions through our sexual assault prevention education campaign, Denim Day. I have always described POV as an evolving organization. There is so much more progress to be made and I trust that with your help, we will meet the current and future demands. It is critical that together we continue our commitment to social service, social change, and social justice.

I am writing to ask you to join me and become a sustaining donor for POV. Our sustainers are a very special family of recurring donors that provide ongoing support to our programs by choosing to give monthly or quarterly. I too am a sustainer. These recurring donations ensure continual healing and support for victims of domestic, sexual and interpersonal violence, and violence prevention for the community at large. My goal is to engage 40 new sustainers in honor of my 40th anniversary. If you can’t commit to our sustainer program at this time, please consider a one-time donation in any amount today.

I can’t think of a better way to celebrate my 40th anniversary than by asking for your help in supporting this agency that I love.

Will you join me?

Anne Bagasao
[email protected]
213.955.9090 Ext. 478

POV Reads

Supreme Court to Hear Major Guns Case Involving Domestic Violence

By Adam Liptak and Glenn Thrush

The court, which has decided very few Second Amendment cases, will consider whether the government may disarm people subject to restraining orders for domestic abuse.

Italian man cleared of assault because grope only lasted ‘between five and 10 seconds’

By Betsy Reed

An Italian judge has provoked outrage after clearing a school caretaker of sexually assaulting a teenage girl because the grope lasted only “a handful of seconds.”

Viral sexual assault video prompts police in India to act more than 2 months later

By Arshad R. Zargar

Note: Some of the details in this story are disturbing.

A viral video of a horrific sexual assault in India forced police to act after they'd failed to respond to the victims' complaints over two months. Several men had paraded two naked women publicly and gangraped at least one of them.

POV is hiring!

Looking to join the team at Peace Over Violence? Apply today!

Open Positions:

Support healing services for survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

Connect with us!


Metro Headquarters
1541 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90017

213.955.9090 office
213.955.9093 fax
213.785.2684 video
213.785.2749 video

West San Gabriel Valley Center
892 N Fair Oaks Ave, Suite D
Pasadena, CA 91103

626.584.6191 office
626.584.6193 fax
626.243.7972 video


Committed to social service, social change and social justice.

Copyright © 2023 Peace Over Violence, All rights reserved.
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Peace Over Violence
1541 Wilshire Blvd.
3rd Fl
Los Angeles, CA 90017

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