A winning campaign is built in the “off-year”

As we close the books on July, I want to reach out to you one last time to emphasize the importance of fundraising in an "off-year" when most folks are not thinking about an election that is several months out.

By fundraising now, we can invest early in:

  • Strategic planning to ensure we are working in the right areas and focused on the issues that matter most to our community;
  • Volunteer recruitment and training, allowing us to build a grassroots network that will be essential when it comes time to knock on doors, make phone calls, and engage with voters in the future;
  • Getting our campaign's priorities out to voters by leveraging technology, targeted advertising, and grassroots outreach programs; and
  • Tools to ensure we can navigate any unforeseen challenges can arise as the political landscape evolves.

A winning campaign is built in the "off-year," and with so much at stake, we cannot leave this seat up to chance. Please consider making a donation in support of our campaign.

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Your support now can make all the difference,


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$5 $15 $25 $50