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K-12 Funding & Higher Education

Lashrecse has long understood the impact a high-quality public education can have on both students and communities, and has always been a champion for Virginia’s students and educators. In 2021 the Virginia Education Association named her Legislator of the Year because of her leadership to address the perennial underfunding of Virginia’s Standards of Quality. 

Clean Energy

When it comes to clean energy, Virginia has emerged as a new frontier in the region, and Lashrecse continues to lead the Commonwealth on this issue. As with all of her legislative priorities, Lashrecse approaches clean energy through an equity lens, working to ensure that communities that have been disproportionately impacted by climate change are prioritized when it comes to green initiatives.

Civil Rights and Social Justice


As one of the few young, Black female lawmakers in the General Assembly, Lashrecse emerged as a leader on a vast array of social justice issues. Her advocacy has led to the passage of a ban on police usage of facial recognition technology, as well as Breonna’s Law, which bans no-knock warrants. Lashrecse has proudly supported bills to formally ban discrimination and harassment of marginalized groups. 

Learn more about Lashrecse's campaign on her candidate page

and double your donation!

Your Sister District DC/VA/MD Leaders

Sarah, Karen, Jennie, Alan, Jim, Kara, Emma, Mary and Jeff


Paid for by Sister District Project.  Authorized by Lashrecse Airdcandidate for

SD 13.