Did you see this email from LG Kim Driscoll?

Hi everyone, Team Healey here.

You may have heard about the flooding in Western and Central Massachusetts. Maura and Kim have been on the ground, visiting farms and meeting with impacted communities.

Earlier today, LG Driscoll sent out an important note about the situation that we wanted you to see. You can read it below. 

-Team Healey 


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kim Driscoll 
Date: Tues, 25 Jul 2023 at 8:03 am
Subject: Helping Our Neighbors


Dear Friend,

Over the past few weeks, our communities in Western and Central Massachusetts have experienced unprecedented flooding, destroying the properties and livelihood of thousands of our neighbors.

Governor Healey and I have visited dozens of farmers and their families, many of whom are just beginning to assess the extent of the damage and personal trauma. The destruction will have a profound effect on their lives and our communities for decades to come.

These family-owned farms play an essential role in our food supply and our state’s economy. And we know that emergency federal funds will not be enough to repair all that’s been lost.

That’s where you come in.

Our administration teamed up with United Way of Central Massachusetts to launch the Massachusetts Farm Resiliency Fund, to distribute grants to farmers as they begin to rebuild. The funds will be distributed to farmers quickly by the United Way through a deliberate selection process.

I know that you’re committed to making Massachusetts the best it can be, but we can’t do it without your help. Please consider supporting these farms and the families as they begin the challenging task of rebuilding.

The Governor and I are grateful for your support as we all work together to keep moving Massachusetts forward.

Thank you for your continued support,
