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Hey all you Third Forcers out there,
Manifesto For World Revolution launches on Wednesday, but for the next 48 hours, Third Forcers like you can get it for 50% off with the code "manifesto-third-force". After it launches, the book will still be available for the regular price of $25.

This book is a field guide to a new world order. We’re calling for a people’s uprising — a new way to live, love and play on this planet.
With the most revolutionary tool ever invented in the palms of our hands, a mighty grassroots insurgency — borderless, leaderless, beyond Left and Right — is coming together in a last-ditch We-the-People stand.
The flocking signal is a radical set of ideas so fundamental, so systemic, so profound that a sane and sustainable future is unthinkable without them.
This is the Third Force.
We have the codes.
Are you ready?
We hope you take the plunge.
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