News from Representative Betty McCollum



JULY 21, 2023

Dear Fourth District Constituent,


This week, millions of Americans have found themselves under extreme heat warnings, while House Republicans worked to defund our ability to fight climate change.

The Appropriations Committee held a markup on the Interior-Environment funding bill for the next year. As a member of this subcommittee and its former Chair, I know how important theseImage investments are for our climate, clean air and water, and healthy communities.

As we sat in our air-conditioned meeting room, Republicans leading the committee put forward a bill that claws back important investments in fighting climate change we secured in the Inflation Reduction Act, drastically cuts funding for the EPA, and decimates communities’ ability to act locally to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.


I spoke out against this during the markup. Watch my remarks here.

Protections Against Extreme Heat

All indications are that we are living through the hottest month on record. 

The heat waves happening now across the country—that will hit Minnesota next week—are dangerous and deadly. Coupled with wildfire smoke from Canada, droughts, and other extreme weather events, it’s clear climate change is impacting our daily lives now, and it’s more important than ever to take action on local, state, and federal levels.

I joined colleagues on a letter this week asking OSHA to implement strong worker protections against extreme heat, as it’s clear that extreme temperatures will continue to pose a threat to health and safety.

Heat protections for workers saves lives. In Minnesota, our leaders have taken action to protect workers during extreme heat events.  Know your rights.

Be Prepared

Minnesotans should be mindful about time spent outdoors in the heat and be sure to stay hydrated. Check in on loved ones—especially folks who may not have reliable access to air conditioning.

Be aware that some medications may be impacted by extremely hot temperatures, including:

-Blood pressure medications


-Psychiatric medications


Learn more about the impact on medications from Mayo Clinic pharmacist Scott Hall here.

Bookmark these resources from the Minnesota Department of Health for what you should do when an extreme heat wave hits. 

Know the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke:


Finally, don’t forget to keep your pets safe and comfortable in the heat! Read more here.


As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with your policy opinion or if you need help with a federal agency.


Thank you for being an informed and engaged constituent.





Betty McCollum
Member of Congress



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