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Dear ,
We have some thrilling news for the Third Force:

Adbusters’ next mindbomb book, Manifesto For World Revolution, has gone to print and we start shipping next week.

We are at a crucial moment in the planetary endgame. Ecosystems are failing, authoritarianism is on the rise, and the psychological state of humanity is degrading faster than we can measure.
This book is a field guide to a new world order. We’re calling for a people’s uprising — a new way to live, love and play on this planet.
You won’t see it on Amazon: We're self-publishing. That means we’re relying on wild spirits like you to push the message into the world. We believe it can become a sudden underground bestseller, inspire activists worldwide to join our collective, and spark a World Revolution.

The book is priced at $25, but we're offering it to Third Force collective members at a 33% discount. We'll apply the discount code MANIFESTO‑THIRD-FORCE automatically at checkout.

Read the prologue
We hope you take the plunge.
For the wild,
Team Adbusters
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