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My Friends and Supporters,
I was absolutely thrilled when my friend Dave Reichert entered the race for the open Washington State Governor’s seat. And, national political pundits publicly announced what I already privately knew – Dave Reichert can and will win in 2024!

“Reichert puts race for Washington Governor on
battleground…As a Republican running statewide in Washington,
Reichert is the underdog in the race. But his electoral record
must be taken into account! That’s why Inside Elections changed
the rating of the race from Solid Democrat to Battleground.”

Join me in supporting Dave’s race.
The campaign has their first fundraising deadline on Monday, July 31st. Can you make a contribution to boost his fundraising numbers?
Let me remind you, Dave has spent his lifetime serving Washington state! First, with a career as a sheriff, literally fighting crime and keeping our neighborhoods safe. He was the lead detective on the task force that led to the arrest of serial killer Gary Ridgeway in 2001, before he was elected as the King County Sheriff. Dave was a distinguished member of Congress for fourteen years and served on the powerful Ways and Means committee.
And now he’s stepping up to serve again!
Unfortunately, in our state, crime is on the rise and police protection is down. Washington state is ranked dead last in the nation for community protection. Dave will be able to make a difference on day one. He’s not a politician. He’s a protector.
Please, I urge you to make a donation to Dave’s campaign. Individuals and businesses can donate up to $4,800 (a married couple can give $9,600). Time is of the essence. Click and make a donation by Monday, July 31st. The time is now!
Early money in this race is essential. Thank you!

Councilmember Reagan Dunn

Paid for by Friends of Reagan Dunn
P.O. Box 40417
Bellevue, WA 98015
Email: [email protected]
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