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“To take money from a lobbying group that dictates your foreign policy, I think it’s completely unacceptable,” Agwan told The Intercept in an interview.

“I do not think it’s OK to take money from a group that openly keeps an apartheid system and an open-air prison where people’s rights are violated.”

I recently spoke to The Intercept about what this movement is working to accomplish in the new District 07.

Click here to read the article.

Both Democrats and Republicans are beholden to AIPAC and the Israel lobby. In the same light, they are both complicit in the crimes committed against native Palestinians. The U.S. government gives $3.8 billion every year to Israel and that money helps fund bombs, raids, and oppression. We are standing up to AIPAC because we believe in truth, justice, and the sanctity of humanity across the globe.

A new district is ready for new representation.

Folks in the newly drawn District 07 want to see progress in their community. They are ready for real change and that’s why this movement is receiving such massive support. Politics is not a spectator sport and I refuse to sit on the sidelines.

Let’s keep working to fight AIPAC and right-wing lobbyists together.

Read the article here.
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