Upcoming Events + Updates!

Disability Pride Thursday, July 20!

We'll be at Brick River Cider at 2000 Washington Ave. for Disability Pride Month! Katherine Greenstein is speaking about the badass Disability Justice movement and how we can and must incorporate Disability Justice into our lives and our activism. Katherine is a senior at American University, studying CLEG* with minors in History and Disability Studies. They have been featured in The New York Times and Teen Vogue.

Accessibility: This event will be wheelchair accessible, masks will be required, and we will have an ASL interpreter at the event. We will also have a Zoom option so that people may view from home, and we will have live captions on the Zoom. There will not be loud noises, loud colors, nor bright or flashing lights, so there likely should not be sensory sensitivity issues. There is alcohol served at this establishment, if that is a concern, although there are alcohol-free drink options too. Let us know if you have other accessibility concerns.
*Communication, Legal Institutions, Economics, and Government

Zoom Link

We're having a ~~networking night~~

Come hang out with us, some politicians, and friends. This is a great opportunity to hang with the Young Dems if you've never been to one of our events before, meet our elected officials, find political jobs/employees, and make friends. So join us for the best BBQ in St. Louis!

Accessibility: This event is wheelchair accessible, and masks will be provided (but not required due to eating. Some of our board members will be eating outside so that if you don't feel comfortable inside, you'll be able to eat outside with company). There is not an online option due to the lack of a centralized program for the evening. For those with sensory concerns, there will not be bright colors or flashing lights, though it may get a bit loud with everyone talking in the dining area. There are vegetarian options. Please let us know if you have food allergies so we can accommodate, as there is risk of cross contamination. There is no alcohol served at this establishment. 

Special Board Election!

Our President, Geneva Lee, and Treasurer, Vivian Hulsey, are stepping down from the board to further their educations. Geneva is headed to Berkeley Law, and Vivian has been awarded a Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst scholarship and will be studying Europe next year! We also are seeking a DEI Director and Accessibility Director on our board after changing our bylaws earlier this year. Our elections will be held at our September 21 meeting.

If you are interested in joining our board, you can apply below! And please share this application with friends as well. 

These positions are not full terms and will only serve until December when we have our regular elections, when you may run again to serve for the full year. Vice President automatically succeeds president, so this is a commitment of over one year. Boardmembers must live full-time in the St. Louis region so that they can be present for events. Elected officials and candidates are not allowed to serve on our board. There is no age minimum or maximum, you can be 15 or 90! Treasurer applicants must know how to do an MEC report.


“The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses.”

We all know that the Writers Guild is undertaking MASSIVE fight, going up against billionaire corporations just to earn a living wage. And that these companies are going to squeeze them til the bitter end. 

Please consider donating to the Entertainment Community Fund to help writers keep their homes, put food on the table, and WIN compensation for their work that we consume every day. 

Donate for #Solidarity

American Sign Language Interpreter!

We're excited to announce that beginning this Disability Pride Month, we will now have ASL interpretation for all of our membership meetings to make them accessible for Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons! 

An ASL interpreter costs approximately $135 per meeting, and as we rely entirely upon donations, please consider setting up a recurring $5 monthly donation to STLYD to support our work and ensure that our meetings are accessible to all.

If you're paying $15 a month for Amazon Prime, baby you gotta smash that donation link rn.

Make STLYD Accessible!

Wanna campaign effectively?

LeadMO is accepting applications for its Fall cohort! This is a 10 week program, meeting online twice a week, that teaches folks how to run campaigns. LeadMO is a nonprofit fostering progressive talent in Missouri. There is no age requirement, and unlike a lot of trainings, this is FREE.

Many of our STLYD boardmembers and members are LeadMO graduates, and LeadMO also came to speak with us last September. If you want to be a better staffer/volunteer/activist, this is the program to sign up for. This is also a great networking opportunity if you're looking for a job in politics!

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