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Happy Friday from #OneUtah, a weekly update from the office of Gov. Spencer J. Cox. We’re excited to send out a special edition newsletter this week. Reply to this email with any questions or suggestions regarding the newsletter. And thank you for subscribing!

Let’s learn how to ‘Disagree Better’

Today, I was honored to be elected to serve as the 2023-2024 chair of the National Governors Association – a bipartisan group made up of the nation's governors with the goal of working together to benefit all Americans. As chair, I get to select an initiative to focus on for the next year. I’m excited to share our initiative – Disagree Better – with you. 

Americans need to disagree better. And by that we don’t mean that we need to be nicer to each other, although that’s helpful. We need to learn to disagree in a way that allows us to find solutions and solve problems instead of endlessly bickering. 

The “exhausted majority” of Americans want this, and the science is clear about interventions that reduce polarization. As doers and builders, governors are in a unique position to model what healthy conflict looks like. 

The Disagree Better initiative will look at the problems of polarization, elevate the solutions that groups around the country are already implementing, and feature governors showing what disagreeing better looks like. Through public debates, service projects, public service announcements and a variety of other tactics, Americans will see a more positive and optimistic way of working through our problems.

We’re also going to put these principles to work on a real-world policy challenge that needs resolution: the longtime stalemate over immigration. In collaboration with the business community and other stakeholders, our hope is to find enough consensus among governors to identify common principles around immigration policy.

We know that conflict resolution takes work and involves difficult conversations. It’s much easier to sow division than to persuade or find solutions. But we also know that no one ever changed someone’s mind by attacking them. 

So, next time you are speaking with someone you disagree with, take a deep breath. Instead of punching back or walking away, listen. Better yet, be curious, ask some questions. If you still disagree, that’s OK, but you might find out you aren’t as far apart as you think.

Through healthy conflict, we’re confident that we can find common ground and improve our families, our communities and our nation. Together, we can disagree better. You can learn more at the video above and at this link here

Setting an example: A Republican and a Democrat working together

Now, being chair means I have a vice chair, and the Democratic governor from Colorado, Gov. Jared Polis, was elected to work alongside me. Gov. Polis and I do not agree on everything. We come from two different political parties, and two different states, but that does not mean that we can’t learn from each other and work together to solve problems. 

Check out our video about improving conversations around the dinner table above ⬆! 

The power of service

A key part of our Disagree Better initiative is service and First Lady Abby Cox will be leading the way. We’ll have four convenings across the country over the next year, and the first lady will be leading efforts to incorporate a service project at each of these meetings to benefit communities.

The research is clear that participating in service activities breaks down barriers, lifts up others and improves mental health. Service has always been important to our family, and it’s a quality we have carried throughout our public service. So we’re inviting all of you to Show Up with us. To serve. To do good. Learn more about First Lady Cox’s Show Up initiative here


In some good Utah news – we celebrated the one year anniversary of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Life Line on Thursday. Since its launch one year ago, Utah crisis workers have answered nearly 87,000 calls. 988 represents more than a phone line; it represents an opportunity to access a broader system based on a vision where a person experiencing behavioral, emotional, or mental health crisis has access to help: anytime, anyplace, anywhere.

We’ve made historic investments in the crisis service system in Utah over the last decade. 988 represents the hub of this system. We owe tremendous gratitude to our legislative champions, the late Sen. Orrin Hatch, Rep. Chris Stewart, state Rep. Steve Eliason, state Sen. Daniel Thatcher, the Utah Behavioral Health Crisis Response Commission, and many partners in health care, emergency response, and social services for their tireless work to champion the establishment of 988 across the nation. 

Coming up

  • July 17: We’re excited to join a shared stewardship tour with officials from the U.S. Forest Service, Utah Department of Natural Resources and more. Stay tuned!

  • July 18: The annual Days of ‘47 Cattle Drive is here! We’re kicking off the Pioneer Day festivities on horseback, herding cattle through downtown Salt Lake City to the rodeo arena at the State Fairpark. 

  • July 19: Excited to join First Lady Abby Cox at the Show Up for Teachers Conference! 

  • July 24: Happy Pioneer Day, Utah! Our offices will be closed. Hope to see you at the Days of ‘47 Parade in Salt Lake City!

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Those looking to volunteer can also consider more than 300 boards and commissions. Find out which openings are available and how you can get involved here!

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You can reach the Governor's Office here. And you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and  YouTube for the latest news and updates.
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