Tulsi Gabbard for President

Aloha Jack —

By now you’ve heard from my team many times about how you can help us make sure we hit our first FEC deadline of the year on track to compete, and defy expectations.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued generosity — as a 100% people-powered campaign, I rely on your grassroots donations to stay in the race.

At the close of every month my team gives me a list of names to call while I’m on the road, from hotel rooms and cafes across the state, even from the slopes! These calls are my favorite part of the job, and make the long drives pass quickly.

Tomorrow I’ll be asking for that list again, and I really hope I will see your name on it, Jack. Chip-in to the final "24 hours until FEC deadline" push right now, and your name will be added to the list.

I promise you this: I will never choose what’s popular, easy or politically expedient over doing what is right for every single one of us as Americans. I’m the first female combat veteran to run for president and I’m undaunted by all those who are trying to stand in the way of progress.

There is nothing and no one who will stop me — and all of us — from demanding better than the status quo. From standing up against the military industrial complex and foreign policy establishment, against partisan games that only serve to divide us, against the DC political elite and its allies in the corporate media, against the chickenhawks in leadership who are bringing us closer to war with Iran and nuclear war with Russia and China.

This is our fight to win, Jack, and I’m so glad to have you by my side.

Forever for the people,

Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi calling a supporter

PS — Thank you to all the people around the country I had the pleasure of speaking with this month

… and if you see a Hawaii area code you don’t recognize give you a call after donating to this email, pick up!