Hi Friend

Beacon Hill Democrats are at it again at the cost to Massachusetts residents. For nearly four months, municipal Chapter 90 road and bridge funding critical to update our state's aging infrastructure has been held up. At this late date, it will be difficult for our municipalities to utilize Chapter 90 funding before the end of the summer construction season. 

Kudos to Republican Leaders Representative Brad Jones and Senator Bruce Tarr drawing attention to this issue but only with more Republicans on Beacon Hill can we make a real change.  


Democrats are mired in gridlock despite control of both chambers in the legislature. For more than 16 months, Beacon Hill has promised tax reform but to no avail. The state budget is twelve days late and counting. Fighting continues over where bills should be heard instead of addressing the real needs of Bay Staters. Recently, the Governor is spending more time out of state than in it. 

Please consider supporting the MassGOP today so that we can recruit more candidates and protect our incumbents.



Amy Carnevale

Chair, MassGOP

Paid for by the Massachusetts Republican Party
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee