Your Weekly ATLDSA update

🗓 What's Going On? 🗓

Want to get more involved? Attend a committee meeting or upcoming event!

Help us phonebank and canvass to Stop Cop City! 

Looking for more events? See our monthly calendar! 📆


☎️ Strike Ready Phonebanking! ☎️

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Come join members of the ATLDSA Labor Committee every Monday at 6PM to phonebank members and supporters about the upcoming UPS contract negotiations and potential strike!


Join our next phonebank virtually on Monday, July 10th at 6PM. Email [email protected] for the Zoom link. RSVP to attend at! ☎️


🎊 SBWU Block Party 🎊

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Save the date for a block party with Starbucks Workers United at the IBEW Hall! Come out and enjoy live music, food, drinks, and maybe even a bouncy castle! Support Starbucks workers in their fight against harassment and transphobic retaliation from the company.


We'll be celebrating Wednesday, July 12th, 6PM – 8PM. at IBEW Local 613, 501 Pulliam St SW #250, Atlanta, GA 30312.


Bring a friend and sign up at!


📋 Vote to Stop Cop City 📋

Our City, Our Vote! Atlanta DSA is supporting the referendum campaign to stop Cop City and invest in healthcare, education, housing, green space, and public transit for all Atlantans. Together we're working to collect 75,000 petition signatures from City of Atlanta voters to put a referendum to Stop Cop City on the November ballot! Sign up here to volunteer with Atlanta DSA for the referendum campaign.

Our electoral committee is organizing events starting this week:

The Cop City Vote campaign is canvassing every day, and we encourage everyone to get involved wherever they can! Check out all the upcoming campaign events here.

Atlanta DSAers collected hundreds of petition signatures on Saturday, July 8th!


📕📚 Book Club: NEW BOOK SERIES! 📚 📕

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Atlanta DSA's Book Club explores a range of topics in socialist theory. We discuss big picture ideas about history, economics, and politics.

Right now we're reading Sister Outsider by Black queer communist and poet Audre Lorde, author of I Am Your Sister: Organizing Black Women Across Sexualities.

The Sister Outsider series dates are at 7PM every other Thursday: July 13th, July 27th, and August 10th.

We encourage everyone to read ahead of time, but all are welcome to join the discussion!


🌹 Workplace Roundtable! 🌹

Strike Ready Phonebank graphic

Ever thought about organizing your workplace, but don't know where to start? Join ATL DSA's labor committee for an in-person workplace roundtable at 711 Catherine St SW every third Monday of the month from 7:00-9:00 PM.

This roundtable will be an informal discussion on workplace organizing strategies, and what challenges people are facing in their own workplaces. Be prepared to introduce yourself, and share your experiences and advice with comrades on having workplace organizing conversations, strategies, and more! This event is open to members and non-members of all levels of experience!

This month, we will review Lesson 2 of Secrets of a Successful Organizer, which you can purchase at your next DSA event for $15.


🍽 Tickets Available for 2023 Douglass Debs Dinner 🍽

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Each year since our Atlanta DSA chapter formed in 2006–except for a two-year pandemic gap–we have invited Atlanta’s progressive community to our Douglass-Debs awards dinner, to help us honor outstanding role models and leaders, celebrate our accomplishments during the previous year, and enjoy an evening of comradeship. Last year’s dinner resumed this tradition with great success.


In keeping with our tribute to organized labor, we will host the 2023 Douglass-Debs Dinner in the IBEW Hall Auditorium at 153 Richardson Street SW in downtown Atlanta on Friday, August 26, 2023.


The dinner is a great opportunity to meet with other community activists and hear from inspiring speakers. Ticket sales and patron contributions will raise funds for our coalition partners, local community organizing, and labor union strike support. Reduced-cost tickets will be available for students and other low-income comrades. For more information contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you there!


🎨 ATLDSA T-Shirt Contest 🎨

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Your art deserves to be seen by more people, and should serve a purpose. Does that sound like you? Make a submission to the Atlanta DSA T-Shirt contest and make it a reality! Help Atlanta organizers rep justice, democratic socialism, and good trouble wherever we go. Submissions can be submitted here and are due by July 15th. If you have questions, get in touch!


Note: Designs submitted to the Atlanta DSA T-Shirt Contest become the property of Atlanta DSA if selected as a winning submission. The winning designs will be used, printed, and distributed on clothing by Atlanta DSA, and only Atlanta DSA.


The contest will run from June 1st thru July 15th, and final winners will be chosen on July 22nd by the General Meeting.


📝 Fill Out the 2023 Labor Survey 📝

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At the 2022 Atlanta DSA Chapter Convention, members decided to prioritize our Chapter's labor work. We are building the labor movement by showing up for workers on the picket line, building relationships with rank-and-file union members, and helping our own members organize their workplaces.


But to do this, we need your help! Fill out our 2023 Labor Survey to tell us about yourself, your workplace, and the ways you'd like to help get involved in our work. 


😤 Seize the Memes 😤


Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America

Fighting for the many, not the few