This is a fight to protect the heart and soul of our nation, and it's powered by you, John!

Hi John,

I wanted to make sure you were among the first to see this — The Des Moines Register just went live with the op-ed I wrote about how Donald Trump is holding one of his typical rallies here in Iowa today.

You've seen these rallies: he stumbles through a rambling nonsensical bout of screaming before bolting before he can speak with any of the people he's screwed or take any questions from his constituents. 

Iowa deserves better — and so does the country. So I wrote about it. 


Here are some excerpts from the op-ed:

Donald Trump has visited Iowa fewer than five days since he took office, but tonight, four days ahead of the Republican Caucuses, he’ll descend upon Des Moines for one of those grandstanding rallies that have become his trademark: A spectacle long on self-indulgent bravado and lies, and short on substance and unity.

In typical form, the President will leave as quickly as he comes, spending just a couple of hours in Iowa campaigning for his reelection. He'll listen to no one, he won't engage in dialogue with any student, parent, or senior citizen, and he won't take a question from one single Iowa voter. He never does. He'll bask in himself on stage, and then he’ll get out of Dodge. One more reminder that Donald Trump doesn't care about the hardworking people of Iowa. He cares only about Donald Trump.

I believe our country is strong enough to turn the page on these last four years if we rise up and act, but I fear for our country if we are forced to endure four more years of Trump.

I'm exhausted by this President, a narcissist who makes everyday about himself. Our country deserves a President focused on our country’s pressing issues, like our falling-apart infrastructure, broken healthcare system and rapidly changing workforce. Most of all, we deserve to have a president who is capable of basic human decency.

There's so much more, so take a few moments to read it and pass it along — it's a message that NEEDS to be heard far and wide as the election session officially kicks off in just a few days.

Here's the link to read the op-ed and pass it along!

Thank you so much for standing with us — it means so much to me and I want to make sure you know how much I appreciate it.

Stay brave,

This is more than a fight for the presidency.
It's a fight for the heart and soul of our nation.



Thank you so much for being brave and standing up for the future of our country! We know we send a lot of emails — it's because this movement is powered by grassroots supporters like you and it's so important that we work together to defeat Donald Trump. But we still understand if you'd prefer not to recieve them anymore.

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