News from Representative Payne Jr.

                                                                                                                        June 30, 2023

Dear Friends,

It continues to be an honor and a privilege to represent you in the U.S. House of Representatives.  I am excited to share with you a few of the recent items I've been working on in Washington, DC.  

Federal Grants for NJ-10

Rep. Payne, Jr. speaks to district youth.

Since the start of the year, I have secured more than $250 million in competitive federal grants for community and civic projects, including:

- $32 million to repave highway NJ-27.

- $168 million for Head Start programs.

- $85 million for public housing projects.

- $7.5 million for Substance Abuse and Mental Health programs.

- $4 million for the Eric Munoz Trauma Center at University Hospital.

- $300,000 for Suicide Prevention Services in Essex County.  

Protecting American Currency from Attacks   

ImageI reintroduced my Payment Choice Act (H.R. 4128) to protect American currency as a form of payment for goods and services.  My bill would make it illegal for retail businesses to reject cash for in-person, consumer transactions at stores nationwide.  Currently, there are millions of Americans who are unable to pay for necessities with a credit card, debit card, or digital payment.  These Americans would be left out of the economy completely if cash is banned. 

Every American should have the right to pay in cash.  There are too many stores and businesses that want to reject it in favor of digital payments.  But cash is the only option available for millions of Americans to pay for food, housing and other essentials.  In addition, I am concerned about the safety and privacy of the data that companies are collecting from consumers during routine purchases. Besides, American cash is a lesson in American history.  A few years ago, we fought over who should be represented on our currency.  Now, companies want to eliminate currency completely.     

Improving Men's Health

As Founder and Co-Chair of the Congressional Men’s Health Caucus,  I know the importance of making health a priority in men's lives.  I reintroduced the Men’s Health Awareness and Improvement Act (H.R. 4182) to establish an Office of Men’s Health within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to create, support and promote programs and activities to improve the state of men’s health nationwide. 

Rep. Payne, Jr. speaks at Men's Health Briefing.

The risks to men’s health are on the rise across the country.  Men live an average of six years less than women in the U.S. and they are far more likely to die from cancer than women.  Overall, almost 80,000 men will die from lung cancer and another 34,000 men will die from colorectal cancer this year.  One out of every nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.  In addition, more than 19 million American men have diabetes. 

Too often, men skip routine health screenings and allow minor issues to become life-threatening problems.  We need to create more awareness of the dangers of delaying critical screenings for cancer and other treatable diseases.  While advocacy organizations have done an outstanding job with campaigns to create awareness, our country needs an established office in the Department of Health and Human Services with the specific goal of increasing screenings and saving men’s lives.   

Fighting PAD to Save Limbs and Lives 

Rep. Payne, Jr. discusses his ARC Act.

During my time in Congress, I have been a strong supporter of actions to reduce preventable limb amputations due to Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD).  It is a blood disease similar to the one that causes heart attacks.  But this one attacks the arms and legs.  If left untreated, it can cut off the blood supply and lead to a limb amputation or even death.  Today, 21 million Americans have or are at risk for PAD and an estimated 200,000 of them will need an amputation.  But these amputations could be prevented if PAD is screened and diagnosed early. 

I introduced my Amputation Reduction and Compassion (ARC) Act (H.R. 4261) with my co-leads Congressmen Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), Chris Smith (R-NJ), and Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ).  The bipartisan bill requires Medicare and Medicaid to fully cover screening tests for beneficiaries who are at-risk of PAD.  There are too many Americans who could experience a preventable amputation from PAD. It's a treatable disease if we can get people screened and catch it early.  We need to support and promote more screenings so we can save limbs and lives.     

Celebrating Juneteenth Across the 10th Congressional District 

Juneteenth, or Freedom Day, celebrates June 19, 1865.  It is the day that freed more than four million enslaved Americans.  It was the first time African Americans had the right to freedom and liberty across the country.  I enjoyed several events in my district to commemorate this important date in the history of our nation, such as events in Hillside, Newark and West Orange.    


It remains my privilege to work for you.  Please contact me through my district offices and social media to let me know how I can serve you best.


Donald M. Payne, Jr.
Member of Congress

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