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Hi John,

Today the NHS can celebrate its 75th ‘birthday’! But how many more will it have?
Since its formation, the NHS has been at the forefront of medical advancements and pioneered various medicines and technologies - the CT scan and the IVF (‘test tube’) baby, for example. But despite its impressive history and huge public backing, the NHS is struggling.
Serious under-investment, under-staffing, part-privatisation and neglect have all played an enormous role in this crisis. But one further driver of the crisis almost goes unnoticed: the greedy drive for profits in the pharmaceutical industry.
We’re about to release research that shows that pharmaceutical companies have extracted billions of pounds from the NHS by overcharging for drugs for the sake of lining the pockets of shareholders. This is money that could be used to invest in and ultimately help save our NHS.
And of course, the extortionate prices charged by big pharmaceuticals are not only affecting the UK. Countries in the global south are struggling even more – or are simply unable to pay - leaving vital medicines out of reach for millions of people.
I’m reaching out today to tell you that there is one small thing you can do today to help us fight for a fairer pharma system: become a member of Global Justice Now. Because regular monthly donations enable us to plan for the future and campaign more effectively and flexibly.
Help amplify the pressure on decision-makers to urgently act on the NHS pricing break-down and push for a better drugs system that secures accessible medicines for all by joining today.
Become a member

Big pharma: profit before lives

Big pharma justifies its pricing by saying medicines are expensive to research and produce. But what they are not telling you is that medicines are often developed through public funds – paid for by people like you and me.
Because of governments leaving everything to the market, big pharmaceuticals are getting away with buying up medicines developed through public funding, stopping other companies from making them, and adding an extortionate profit margin when they sell them to public health services like the NHS.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. We have been campaigning tirelessly for years on bringing about a fairer global pharmaceutical system that works for people who need it - and we have already made big progress.
Our next step for the campaign is to demand more public control over the medicines we pay for  which means fair prices, sharing science, and taking power back from big pharma – all so that pharmaceutical giants can no longer hold health services to ransom. But we need your help to make this happen!
By signing up as a member today for as little as £3, you can help give our pharmaceuticals campaign the push it needs now, but also into the future. And you’ll also be supporting our work more generally in standing up to corporate power around the world.
Join as a member today

You can make a difference

As a member, you will receive regular updates about our campaigns and the impact that your support is making. You will also have the opportunity to get involved in our activities and events, and to connect with like-minded people who share your passion for global justice.
Every contribution can make a huge difference. By joining the movement for global justice, you will be playing a crucial role in creating a fairer and more equitable world for all.
Thank you for your support, and I hope to welcome you as a member of Global Justice Now soon.
In solidarity,
Malise Rosbech
Campaigner at Global Justice Now
P.S. If you know anyone else who might be interested in joining us, please feel free to forward this email to them. Together, we can make a real difference!