
Where NYC’s Council Candidates Stand on Key Housing Issues

As the city faces dual affordable housing and homelessness crises, City Limits asked the candidates’ running in Tuesday’s primary for their stance on a number of key related issues. Are they a renter or a landlord? Do they support the idea of “member deference” on local land use votes? What’s the best route for funding repairs at NYCHA?

Read their responses before you hit the polls Tuesday.

Data Drop: Which Council Campaigns Are Real Estate PACs Supporting This Election Cycle?
Of the $19,000 in donations to 14 sitting council members or candidates, $13,900 comes from Taxpayers for an Affordable New York, run by the Real Estate Board of NY. Another $4,600 comes from Rent Stabilization Association’s PAC, and $500 from the Neighborhood Preservation Political Action Fund, which appears to be linked to an RSA staffer. Read more.
Tenants, Advocates Call for City Budget Funds to Alleviate NYCHA’s Growing Rent Debt
“You think about a $106 billion budget—we’re asking for $400 million with an M,” Councilmember Carmen De La Rosa said at Thursday’s rally. “NYCHA tenants deserve more and we’re going to continue to stand with you until we see a budget that reflects the dignity that you have long deserved.” Read the story.
Annual Vote Spells Further Rent Increases For NYC’s Stabilized Tenants
In an unusual twist, the two tenant-aligned members of the Rent Guidelines Board, tenant lawyer Adán Soltren and organizer Genesis Aquino, voted in favor of Wednesday’s increases—3 percent for a one-year lease and a split two-year lease of 2.75 percent in year one and a further 3.2 percent in year two. Read the story.
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City Views

Opinions & Analysis
Opinion: New York Lawmakers Need to Consider 421-a Replacement
“421-a or any alternative’s inclusion in our toolbox to tackle the housing crisis is by no means a silver bullet, but its absence has already and will continue to hamstring our ability to respond. We cannot accept this if we want to solve our housing crisis.” Read the oped here.

Job Board

This week's offerings

Lead Organizer at Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation

The Lead Organizer will directly support the grassroots Coalition for Community Advancement (CCA): Progress for East New York/Cypress Hills to engage neighborhood residents, houses of worship, small businesses, manufacturers and community groups in campaigns to influence land use actions, win public investments and influence housing and economic projects and policies in and impacting East New York.


Program Director, Cortelyou Supportive Housing at Brooklyn Community Services

The Program Director is responsible for cultivating a safe and affirming living environment for formerly homeless, young adults, many living with a significant mental illness, and many identifying as part of the LQBTQIA+ community.


Assistant Director, Cortelyou Supportive Housing at Brooklyn Community Services

Cortelyou is a 46-unit supportive housing program located in Flatbush Brooklyn. The Program specially services young adults 18-25 years old with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness and have a chronic history of being unhoused. Most of the young adults living at Cortelyou are members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Una Ciudad sin Límites

City Limits en Español
PÓDCAST: ¿Qué cambia con Estatus de Protección Temporal para El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal y Nicaragua?
El pasado 13 de junio, la administración de Joe Biden derogó la terminación del Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS por sus siglas en inglés) del expresidente Donald Trump, prolongando el estatus legal por 18 meses para más de 300.000 titulares de TPS de El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal y Nicaragua. Leer el artículo.
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