We will not waver in our devotion to people seeking or providing abortions.


A year ago today, we were bracing for impact. That awful news that we all knew was coming – the Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade. In just one decision, the most radical, anti-choice Supreme Court in our history revoked women's right to bodily autonomy.

But John, we didn't give in to our despair. We took to the streets, we volunteered our time, we fundraised for abortion provider networks, and shared our stories. And every day since, we've shown up for doctors, for patients, and for one another.

The Supreme Court's decision was a culmination of a years-long coordinated campaign to take away our reproductive rights. By grabbing up seats in state and local governments while stacking the judiciary with extremist judges, right-wing radicals kept up a steady assault on Roe v Wade.

Their plan culminated when Mitch McConnell destroyed the nomination process to allow Donald Trump to pack the Supreme Court with three radical anti-abortion justices.

The point is: Roe wasn't overturned overnight, and it's going to take all of us making a commitment to do what it takes, for as long as it takes, to restore the constitutional right to abortion.

In a post-Roe era, we must work to gain ground. Please, donate $3 now and let's keep the fight for abortion rights alive, together.

John, here's my promise to you: so long as I'm around, no one will ever be alone in this fight. Our campaign will continue to lead the charge protecting a woman's right to choose, no matter what. We will not waver in our devotion to people seeking or providing abortions.

But that means we have to elect a pro-choice Congress, ready to take action to protect reproductive rights on Day One. Chip in $3 today to turn the tide and restore abortion rights nationwide.

More soon,


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