
Come Out And See What We're About!

Hey Y'all!


We're nearing the end of the signature-gathering phase of the H-GAC Charter Amendment Campaign and you can help us reach our goal! Come out this weekend for block walking with our partners in the Fair for Houston coalition and demand our fair share of funding!


As one of the first organizations to sign on to the coalition, we want to make a big show of DSA showing up. We'd like to shoot for the evening block walk in the Heights from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM on Saturday, 6/24, but if you can't make it there's a morning shift in the East End that same day and then another evening shift on Sunday evening in the Museum District. Sign up here, where you can also find more information on the campaign and learn about other ways to get involved if you can't block walk:

It's a super easy canvas, but if you haven’t canvassed before, no worries! We will spend the first 30 minutes going over talking points and tips before forming our teams to block walk. Water and snacks will be available too! And as an extra sweetener, if you sign up for a canvas, shoot us an email at [email protected] with your canvas shift and t-shirt size and we'll do our best to hook you up with a free chapter shirt wo you can proudly represent DSA at the canvas!



Paid for by Houston Democratic Socialists of America, Inc. ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.