I want your ideas for Missouri's Attorney General's Office. And I want you to help us research the issues you are passionate about.

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I want YOUR ideas for Missouri's Attorney General's Office.
And I want YOU to help us research the issues that you are passionate about.

Do you have an idea for Missouri? Send it directly to me just by replying to this email, or go to our website's solutions section and submit your ideas at the bottom of the page.


We're updating our solutions section right now, and we'll continue to do that over the course of the campaign. It's about time we elect an Attorney General for the People of Missouri.


What are your ideas?

We have 10 days left in our fundraising quarter. I would be honored to have your name on our report as a supporter. Whether you can donate $1, $10, or $100, your support means a lot, and it helps us show that Missourians want an Attorney General who will work for us.


We are traveling all over the state, helping communities organize around local issues, and bringing energy to Missouri. Your investment in this campaign isn't just going to elect an Attorney General. It's building a better state for all of us.


Can I put you on our report this quarter?

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Elad Gross For Missouri
PO Box 21621
Saint Louis,?MO?63109

Paid for by Elad Gross For Missouri
Fredrick Doss, Treasurer