Juneteeth: An Historical Look from Colonel Allen West

Stealing History

Today is Juneteenth, a celebration of June 19, 1865, when Blacks in Texas finally learned about the Emancipation Proclamation, in Galveston, because of Union troops.


JUN 19, 2023

We are facing a new Marxism in America. Marxism’s original purpose was socioeconomic division and revolution. Today’s Marxism in America is focused on racial division and it manifests itself in disconcerting premises such as Critical Race Theory. I find it interesting that now, in response to the backlash against CRT, the progressive socialist left is denigrating people for not wanting history to be taught about slavery.

What a bunch of bovine excrement! However, leftists in America do not just want to revise history, but eliminate it . . . and actually steal it as part of their grand design, as our aforementioned quotes allude to.

So, let’s have that discussion on the history of slavery from a political party perspective, which is sure to enrage leftists.

CLICK HERE FOR THE REST of the article from Allen West

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