June 16th, 2023
Dear Kansas friends,

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I Voted to Fully Fund Veteran's Benefits
As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I promised Kansans I would NOT support cutting funding for veterans programs.

I proudly voted to fully fund veterans' benefits, including veterans' health care, the PACT Act, and other crucial VA programs.

Watch HERE
Votes this week
Thursday we had our second House Appropriations markup, where I proudly voted to advance the Agriculture, Rural Development, and FDA bill for FY24.

This legislation supports our rural communities, strengthens our national security and food supply, and reins in wasteful Washington spending.
Communist China currently owns over 380,000 acres of American farmland— some near our most critical military installations.

This week I voted for an amendment in the House Appropriations Committee markup that would BLOCK our adversaries from purchasing American farmland and protect our national security.
Unelected bureaucrats in Washington have way too much power over our way of life in America.

I proudly voted to pass the REINS Act this week to stop executive overreach and prevent the administrative state from recklessly spending our taxpayer dollars.
This week I voted to overturn President Biden's unconstitutional rule that would criminalize the use of pistol-stabilizing braces— a tool many disabled veterans rely on.

I will always fight to protect and defend the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners across our state.
The postal service is a vital part of our communities in Kansas.

Unexpectedly closing post office locations with little explanation causes unnecessary confusion and uncertainty for postal workers & customers alike.
I joined Senator Marshall to get answers from the USPS.
Elections are the bedrock of our Constitutional Republic.

It’s crucial that Americans everywhere are confident that their vote is properly counted and their voice is heard at the ballot box.

Watch HERE
Meeting with Kansans
I had an informative ag and biofuels update this week from the Clean Fuels Alliance America and Kansas Soybean Association.

Thanks for stopping by and see you back in Kansas!
It's always great catching up with students from Kansas FFA.

These young men and women are shaping the future of agriculture in Kansas and across America. I'm proud to represent them in Congress!
Honoring Flag Day
Join me in celebrating the greatest symbol of freedom in the world and honoring our servicemembers who sacrifice so much to defend it.
Next Week's Staff Mobile
Office Hours
Tuesday, June 20

9:30 am

12:00 pm

2:00 pm
Wednesday, June 21

9:30 am

12:00 pm

3:00 pm