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Running for our lives

Hello Friends,

Three months ago today, I endorsed Bernie Sanders for President. I have been a fan of Sanders since attending college in Vermont in the early 1980's, and I feel that his policies have always put people first. 

I believe that Sanders is best positioned to beat Trump, and that his vision of what we are all capable of is light years ahead of others. That's why I'm so honored to receive the endorsement of Local Berniecrats - Denver

Take healthcare, for instance. Sanders sheds light on our broken healthcare system and believes that we must address the hardships that millions of Americans experience. 

Like Sanders, I'm focused on moving our nation toward a Single-Payer Medicare for All system. Insurance companies profit off of our illnesses, injuries and accidents to the tune of billions of dollars, and I am an advocate for changing our unjust system. There is not one of us on this planet who can escape health challenges of some sort, and I believe that healthcare must be recognized as a right, not just something afforded to those of privilege.

In order to be your voice for Single-Payer Medicare for All, I need to get on the primary ballot. 

Here is our challenge: 

We have one month to collect 10,500 valid petition signatures. If you would like to help support my campaign, there are three things you can do in the next two weeks which would be helpful to me...

1. Sign my petition and/or help collect 50 signatures.
2. Donate $10/or whatever feels right
3. Share this email/my website with others

Thanks so much for your support-

In Solidarity,


                           Click the photo below to see Diana's Endorsements.

Diana Bray For Colorado

PO Box 22, Englewood, CO 80151
Colorado 80151 United States

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