Today is Flag Day, and I think we ought to talk about patriotism.

Since I was a kid, conservative politicians have tried to twist and contort "patriotism" into a synonym for being a Republican. They have equated love for our country to love for their policies and candidates.

Let me be clear about this: being patriotic is about a lot more than chanting "U-S-A" at a rally. And it has absolutely nothing to do with your party affiliation.

Patriotism is serving our country.

Patriotism is about working to make the United States a more perfect Union.

Patriotism is about helping our fellow Americans and participating in our great democratic system.

The reason I entered public service at 18 was because I love this country, our flag, and the values this nation was founded on.

Now, years later, I am fighting to bring that service-first mentality to Congress. Will you join the grassroots movement to fulfill our country's promise of progress?

On this Flag Day, it's my hope that the American flag can always be a symbol of history, of freedom, of unity.

And wherever I go in our district, I'll always be proud to wear our country's flag on my lapel.


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