Since 2007, NCLCV has been hosting these events to honor leaders who are willing to fight for our environment, our communities, and our democracy.


Thank you to all who joined us at the 2023 Green Tie Awards! If you were unable to join us, we want you to know that we missed you and hope you will come next year. It is always great to be in a room full of people who care about these issues!

It has been several weeks since we gathered, but we are still energized to better protect our environment and communities, and we hope you are as well. Your support is critical for us to work at the General Assembly, educating and advocating with  legislators to promote bills that keep our air, land, and water clean and safe. Additionally, your support makes it possible for us to educate more North Carolinians on the importance of protecting the natural resources that make this state such a special place to call home, and the importance of a thriving democracy to ensure that work.

As a supporter of NC League of Conservation Voters or NCLCV Foundation, you will receive:

  • Our weekly Conservation Insider Bulletin (if you provided an email address);
  • Invitations to special events, including future Green Tie Awards;
  • Our legislative endorsements; and 
  • Our annual Legislative Scorecard, which shows how your elected officials voted on key environmental issues. 

Find out more about the issues we are working on at the legislature and in our communities by visiting our website.

Again, we hope you enjoyed this year’s reception as much as we did. We feel fortunate to honor those who put environmental and democratic values first. We appreciate the support of our generous sponsors. And we hope you will continue to support courageous actions to protect our communities and environment.

If you missed it or are looking to reminisce, check out the highlights from the night!

2023 Recap

Carrie Clark, Executive Director

P.S. Want to do more? Become a Green GEM, and give every month to support our year-round work.

Thank you to our 2023 sponsors!
Sustainable Green Tie



Alcorn Family Foundation*, Carson & Bryan Brice, Carrie Clark,
Jane & Kelly Clark, Pam Harting*, Jeff & Lari Hatley, Cathi Seligmann

Gold Tie

Marjorie & Walker Rayburn, Jim Overton & Mary Mountcastle

White Tie

Ann & John Campbell, Andrew & Jean Canada, The Hon. Rufus & Linda Edmisten
The Hon. David Knight, Doug & Lissa Rader, Anonymous




Black Tie

The Hon. Lucy Allen, Marcia Angle & Mark Trustin
The Hon. Sarah & Dan Crawford, Jane Preyer, Bryna & Gregg Rapp
Nina Szlosberg-Landis, Rosemary & Smedes York



Silk Tie

   in honor of Willow Gatewood, RCC Campus Fellow

The Hon. Cynthia Ball, Drs. Sylvia Burgess & Forest Toms, Dr. Lawrence Cahoon
Tom Fiore & Carol Tresolini, Deborah Dicks Maxwell, Trip Van Noppen,
Joel Porter & Dr. Elizabeth Coviello-Porter, 
Mary Beth Powell & Bill Rote, The Hon. Joe Sam & Kate Queen
Elizabeth Redenbaugh, Steve Schewel & Lao Rupert, Jim W. Smith, Steve Smith*
Marion Sullivan, John & Erin Wallace, Nancy Young, Anonymous

Sponsors with an * are supporting NCLCV Foundation, our 501 c3

Get Social

NCLCV is successful with environmental policy fights and elections because of dedicated activists like you, and we’d love to hear your ideas. To send us valuable feedback, just reply to this email. And make sure to add [email protected] to your address book to ensure emails are delivered properly. Thank you for your support!

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© 2022. NC League of Conservation Voters. All rights reserved.

NC League of Conservation Voters
PO Box 12671
Raleigh, NC 27605
United States