We're launching our volunteer opportunities for the campaign. Let's get to work!

Volunteer Opportunities

I hope you had a good Memorial Day weekend! I'm still sore this morning from doing the Murph Challenge, a particularly grueling workout folks across the country do to fundraise for the Lt. Michael P. Murphy Scholarship Foundation in honor of Lt. Murphy, a Navy SEAL who gave his life trying to save his team in Afghanistan. Mr. Murphy the Corgi got in the action too!

Now that I can barely move, it's probably a good idea for us to officially launch our volunteer program.


We know we can't afford to sit back for a year, wait until a few months before Election Day, and hope for the best. We need to do the work reaching out to people now, asking for their input, and making sure our voices are heard not only in our campaign for Attorney General, but eventually in our government.


I remember talking to a Missourian I hadn't previously met a few years ago. She reached out and wanted to talk about ideas to help our state's veterans. Her husband serves, and we talked about topics spanning from consumer protection to improving work opportunities for military spouses. We spoke for a good long time, and a lot of her ideas made it into our policy proposals for the office.


Her name is Lindsey Simmons, and she would eventually go on to run for Congress in Missouri's 4th Congressional District.


We want to hear Missourians' ideas. We want to see how we can help build a better state for each and every one of us. We want to be a part of people's journey into public service, and we want folks to know that we can have an Attorney General who will always represent us, the way it's supposed to be.


So we're not sitting back. We're putting you at the center of this campaign. Whether you have an hour to give or want to personally text tens of thousands of voters like super volunteer Robin, we want you. And we promise to make it fun.


We're doing an official Virtual Volunteer Orientation on Wednesday, June 14 at 6:30 PM.

And we're piloting a virtual volunteer event on Sunday, June 4 at 4 PM for those who just can't wait to help!

We're looking forward to seeing you soon! Thank you so much for being a part of this. It means a lot to me, and I know it will mean a lot to Missouri.

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Paid for by Elad Gross For Missouri
Fredrick Doss, Treasurer