May 26, 2023
Dear Kansas friends,

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Debt Limit Negotions
For 100 days, President Biden refused to negotiate with Speaker McCarthy on the debt limit.

Now we are days away from default.

House Republicans did our part and passed a bill to responsibly raise the debt ceiling and help end reckless federal spending in Washington.

Watch HERE
If you gave your child a credit card and they kept maxing it out, you wouldn't blindly raise the limit without addressing their spending habits.

No business or family in America operates that way—the federal government shouldn't either.

We must responsibly avoid default while also cutting wasteful federal spending.
Ensuring Taxpayer Dollars Are Not Incentivizing Illegal Immigration
It's simple: Taxpayer funds should NEVER go towards facilitating illegal immigration.

I am working to ensure NGOs are not using federal funds to incentivize illegal immigrants to cross into America

Standing Against the Student Loan Bailout
I just voted to STOP President Biden’s unconstitutional and unfair student loan bailout.

Kansans who paid off their loans or never took one out in the first place should not be forced to foot the bill for this reckless $400 BILLION scam.
Combatting the Fentanyl Epidemic
The fentanyl epidemic is crushing communities across Kansas.

The time for action was yesterday.

I voted to pass the HALT Fentanyl Act—a bill to make the class-wide scheduling order for fentanyl-related substances permanent and guarantee law enforcement has the resources to keep these drugs off our streets.

Watch HERE
Supreme Court Rules Against EPA
Great news! The Supreme Court ruled against extreme government overreach and in favor of farmers and ranchers across America.

Kansans deserve to manage their own land without the federal government breathing down their necks.

Read more HERE
Standing with America's Truckers
The Biden administration continues to go after hardworking Americans.

Now the EPA is trying to force small business truckers to comply with burdensome and costly Green New Deal regulations.

I voted this week to BLOCK this rule to stand with our truckers and secure our supply chains.

Read more HERE
Veteran's Honor Flight
I can’t think of a better way to start my week in Washington than hosting veterans on the Parsons Honor Flight for lunch in the US Capitol.

Thank you for your selfless service to our nation.
Armed Forces Day!
This week we celebrated Armed Forces Day!

Join me in celebrating and honoring America’s servicemen and women who sacrifice so much to protect our freedoms and defend our nation at home and abroad.

Freedom is not free.
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