Please take a moment to listen to my interview on Good Morning NH with Jack Health where I discuss Flags of Valor and the impact we are having - Honoring veterans and passing freedom on to the next generation!

Cherishing the Truly Important

Karen and Jay share thoughts on what is truly important.

In the rush of the day to day, it’s often easy to forget a valuable truth. We all know it deep down, but the fact is that the most valuable things in life aren’t ‘things.’ They are our relationships, our family, our health, our faith, our freedom, and our devotion to others. A fire, a storm or other kinds of natural disasters can destroy our homes, wipe out all our material possessions, and no doubt, disrupt our lives. But in the end, ‘things’ can always be replaced. It’s in those times, when all our ‘things’ are being lost that we become fully aware of what truly gives our lives purpose and meaning.

As Americans, we know and hold dear certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. For us, these values are much more precious than ‘things.’ From the founding of the United States, our history has been marked with moments that have defined who we are as a people and that have reinforced our core values to the world. From the Civil War to the civil rights movement and more recently events like 9/11 and the pandemic, the common thread throughout is a uniquely American resiliency. In moments of uncertainty or when disaster strikes, we’ve always shown that we’re willing to answer the call.

And while these moments can disrupt our lives and even destroy some of the material things we love, what’s always paramount is our commitment to our family, our friends, and our communities. As Dr. Joseph Garbely, MD, a professor of psychiatry and internal medicine at Temple University states, "We're programmed innately to persevere. It is our innate survival instinct; that beacon that unconsciously drives us all. We want to leave our mark, leave our footprint on this earth. So, we keep marching on."

In the face of 9/11, what initially was shock, sadness, and anger felt by all Americans at the loss of the life and property transitioned into a rallying cry that united Americans of varied creeds and colors behind our ideals. Not only that, but it was also a formative moment that prepared us for some other difficult moments that would lie ahead like Hurricane Katrina and the financial crisis. There should be something said about faith here too as a motivator. When we put aside our differences and band together to help support one another in times of loss or tragedy, we’re sending a powerful message of hope that brighter days lie ahead or that we are not alone in these moments. It’s reminiscent of the phrase ‘love thy neighbor.’ In moments where there is trauma or suffering, it can weigh heavily on entire communities. That’s why when a tornado strikes a small town in Kansas, or a fire takes down a family summer home in Maine, how we respond, and support others is a statement about our sentiments towards our fellow man.

When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, a group of New Yorkers who had helped with the clean-up at the World Trade Center sprang into action to volunteer with materials and manpower to help get the city back on its feet. With the recent trauma of 9/11 still very real, the experience ultimately led this group of firefighters, EMT’s, construction workers, and more to connect with the pain their fellow Americans were feeling and lend a hand just as they’d gotten from others across the country.

How we treat each other, even strangers, in times of need, is an important indicator of our convictions and demonstration of our values. This is especially true as we go into this weekend to celebrate Memorial Day, to honor the lives of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for this country. Honoring these heroes, just as we support those in need during difficult times, is intrinsically American. Just as it is divinely human to transcend our attachment to ‘things’ and value what truly matters.

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The Red Cross in New Hampshire – When Disaster Strikes

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Positive Profile of the Week: Josh Solloway

This week we are delighted to highlight a hard-working and truly caring member of our New Hampshire community – Josh Sollaway. Josh specializes in helping those who have had damage to their home. From a fire to burst pipes, Josh Holloway, COO of Soil Away Restoration, helps families see light at the end of the tunnel while living through some of their worst experiences.

A few years back, a friend of Karen and myself experienced a difficult, actually miserable, situation in the structure of his house. Water and mold damage destroyed more than half his home. For four months, he and his family were dislocated, calling a local hotel home for more that 120 days. The rebuild was easy once they were able to start; however, they were only able to do so with the help of Josh and his home restoration company, Soil Away.

My friend had to deal with so many issues from the home damage, but he says that what turned this into a positive experience was due in large part to the support from Josh and the team at Soil Away. They found the cause, took action, and provided a service that helped my friend get back into their home.

A family-owned company founded by Josh’s father, Soil Away provides services to get a home or business back to pre-disaster conditions. But Josh and his team do far more than work on buildings, they work on people. They instill a positivity in their clients, letting them know that they care and that in the end all will be well. They do their work in a way that is calm, steady, and supportive to their clients. And I think Josh said it best in his Union Leader interview when he was profiled as one of our ‘40 under 40’ leaders in New Hampshire earlier this year. He instills confidence in affirming “I believe tomorrow will be better than today.”

Beyond Josh's commitment to providing a top notch service to his clients, his dedication to helping those in the community plays a major part in his life. He is a longtime leader of the New Hampshire Make-A-Wish organization, and in 2021 during the pandemic Josh did something truly amazing. A family in Bedford had lost their home to a fire. The daughter of that family was to perform in a dance recital. Due to the nature of the fire her costumes were badly damaged. There wasn’t enough time to replace them, so Josh sprang into action and used what resources he had at his ready to repair and restore the young lady’s costumes. A moving gesture from a person with a huge heart.

If I had to give Josh a symbol to live by, I would give him the Phoenix. He lives to solve problems and knows the days ahead will be better than the ones past. Our deep thanks to Josh, who is consistently helping and giving hope to those in their time of need. Thank you, Josh, for all you do!

Quote of the Week

The most important things in life are the connections you make with others."

- Tom Ford

Jay Lucas |

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