Hello JOHN,

Welcome to my new Biggs for Congress newsletter, The BIGGS News!

Here I hope to keep you updated on my campaign, my work in Congress, and other interesting happenings and headlines. Read on to see what I've been up to!

I'm Running!

I recently filed for re-election to represent Arizona's Fifth District in Congress. I've represented this district in Congress since 2017, and it has been the honor of a lifetime.

Our nation is at a crossroad. To preserve the freedoms and liberties we hold so dear, we must stand up for America First policies. I have fought for securing the southern border, getting our spending under control, ending forever wars, and restoring our energy independence. America is the greatest nation on Earth and I will not stop fighting to save it.

If you're a Fifth District resident, you can sign my petition to get on the ballot by clicking below.

Put Andy on the Ballot!

Bill Updates

This Congress, I've introduced more bills than any other member of Congress, totaling 591. Here are some of the highlights:

521 Spending Reductions

The U.S. has a $31.5 trillion national debt, which puts our national security and fiscal stability at risk. To get it under control, we must reduce our spending to within our means. In March, I introduced 521 bills to cap spending at FY19 levels, which would save us $100 billion next year and $1 trillion over 10 years.

Impeaching DHS Secretary Mayorkas

The Biden Administration, led by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, created a devastating border crisis. More than 5 million illegal aliens have entered the U.S. since Mayorkas took office, creating pure chaos at the border, bringing crime into our communities, and jeopardizing our national security. Secretary Mayorkas refuses to enforce the laws passed by Congress that could slow the traffic, and lies to Congress and the American people by claiming the border is secure! I've introduced articles of impeachment against him and look forward to his removal from office.

Responsible Borrowers Protection Act

The Biden Administration wants to charge borrowers with good credit higher mortgage fees to finance lending to riskier borrowers. These fees could result in tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the loan and put our entire housing market at risk. Instead of increasing fees on responsible borrowers, we should reduce the cost of housing for all by lowering inflation and repealing expensive federal regulations. My bill prevents Biden's irresponsible plan from taking effect.

WHO Withdrawal Act

President Biden wants to hand American sovereignty over to the World Health Organization (WHO), an unaccountable international organization that does not put American interests first. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the WHO cared more about protecting China than finding the origins of the virus. Now, they want more authority to dictate how nations respond to future outbreaks. My bill withdraws the United States from the WHO, ensuring we can protect our own interests and keep our own money.

See All 591 Bills!

My Vote on Raising the Debt Ceiling

The House recently voted on the Limit, Save, Grow Act, to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for spending caps and policy reforms. See below for two opinion pieces explaining why I voted NO.

The Hill: House GOP’s Debt Ceiling Bill Still Leads Us to a Hard Crash

Read The Hill

Washington Times: Americans Deserve Better Than House Leadership's Debt Ceiling Legislation

Read Washington Times

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