New Zealand is sleep walking into a fiscal crisis ⏰
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New Zealand Taxpayers' Union Inc.

Dear Friend,

Tomorrow, Grant Robertson will release this year’s budget – a budget that is expected to feature an unprecedented level of deficit spending, pushing our national debt to even more alarming heights. Right now, your household’s share of Grant Robertson’s debt amounts to about $80,000. And with tomorrow’s anticipated election year sweeteners, that amount is sure to grow.

Friend, on our current trajectory, Treasury say that within a few years Government will be spending more on interest payments than on schools and teaching our kids. 

I'm emailing to ask for your financial support so we can fight this impending ‘debt monster’.

Official Government Debt Clock

The media and political elite in Wellington make excuses about the state of the Government’s books. They say that balancing the books is ‘too hard’ right now. Why then has the Australian Federal Government just delivered a surplus budget? It’s one of the reasons a strong Taxpayers’ Union is needed right now – to be the canary in the coal mine, and point out the awkward truths. But we’re relying on you and your support right now.

New Zealand is running on borrowed time. Our current account – that is, what we sell to the rest of the world vs what we buy – is in record deficit at 8.9 percent of GDP. That means that we are having to borrow from overseas to fund spending. 

Given the current trajectory, it's clear that our work fighting for taxpayers like you has never been more critical. We're facing an uphill battle, but it's one we're prepared to fight. Can I count on your support?

We can't do it alone,

With only 150 days until the next election, now is the time to take action. Today, we are reaching out to our valued supporters – individuals like you who understand the importance of responsible fiscal policy. We're asking for your help to fund our efforts to educate voters, hold the government accountable, and advocate for sensible economic policy that benefits all New Zealanders.

Your financial support will enable us to:

  • Run a public awareness campaign about the implications of this massive increase in debt and its impact on future generations.
  • Challenge Grant Robertson's dangerous fiscal policies, providing a voice for taxpayers in the media.
  • Develop and advocate alternative fiscal strategies that promote growth, prosperity, and responsibility, rather than unsustainable debt.
  • Fight for better quality Government spending by continuing to expose waste.

You've stood with us before, and we're asking you to stand with us once again at this crucial time. Any amount you can contribute – whether it's $50, $100, $500, or more – will make a significant difference.

Remember, we have just 150 days to make a difference. Let's make them count.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We deeply appreciate your ongoing support.

Best regards,

Jordan Williams
New Zealand Taxpayers' Union

New Zealand Taxpayers' Union Inc. · 117 Lambton Quay, Level 4, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
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