TakeAction Minnesota Weekly Wrap  


Dear John,

If you follow #mnleg social media chatter or are tracking the news, you may have encountered discourse around Minnesota taking strides towards being the #BestState. As people who have tremendous Midwest pride, we are all for claims of Minnesota being “simply the best.” And, we want to be crystal clear about what it would look like to be the #BestState and how we get there.

We believe Minnesota will be its best when each and every person’s needs are fully met, with a belly full of nourishing food, a stable roof over their head, clear water to drink and clean air to breathe, good jobs, and care when we’re sick.

Already this session, the legislature has taken steps towards addressing the profound inequities deeply woven into our current state – the institutions that govern us, the structures of our economy, and the air that we breathe. We’ve seen the passage of the 100% renewable energy bill, protections for LGBTQ+ folks and people seeking abortions, free meals for kids in schools, driver’s licenses for all, and a bill to restore the vote.

And, it’s critical that all of us – elected officials, movement organizations, organizers, leaders, the people of Minnesota – continue to support the transformative work needed to rewrite the rules of our economy and our democracy to create the #BestState where families and communities can thrive. This week’s Digest includes stories about how we’re moving toward a powerful vision for being the #BestState. That looks like passing MinnesotaCare, a public advisory board to curb sky-rocketing costs of prescription drugs, measures to support nurses and improve patient care, and the Cumulative Impacts Bill to protect our communities from pollution and environmental racism – which hundreds of you spoke up about this week.

Here’s what we’re reading, watching, and listening to this week:

1. The #BestState for families, not corporations

“Analysts will hype up the complexity and mystery surrounding the negotiations in the coming days. Don't listen to them. At this point it all comes down to one question: Will Minnesota's elected officials choose policy and a budget that puts our children, families, and workers first? Or will they kowtow to corporate CEO demands and profits? Our Executive Director Elianne Farhat and Awood Center Executive Director Abdirahman Muse write in the Star Tribune.

2. Our #BestShot at lower drug costs

Mother and advocate Nicole Smith-Holt writes about what a Prescription Drug Affordability Board would mean to her and all of the Minnesotans suffering under the high cost of our prescription drugs. Smith-Holt’s son Alec died in 2017 after having to ration his insulin.

3. The #BestHealthcarePolicy and our moral obligation to all Minnesotans

“Denying health care to the immigrant population irrespective of immigration status — including thousands of workers who served on the frontlines during the critical months of the pandemic — does not serve the moral, economic or public health interests of our state,” writes Koushik Paul, a medical student and immigrant, in the MN Reformer.

4. The #BestInfographic showcasing Bezos' net worth

It won a Pulitzer Prize this week!

5. The #BestElectionTurnout projections (in Turkey)

Approximately 5 million new voters are expected to vote in Turkey’s upcoming elections. These young folks, mostly between the ages of 18 and 24, are casting votes for the president they think will make Turkey a better place.

6. The #BestSolidarity for reproductive justice

Mexican collectives are supporting people in the U.S. seeking abortions.

7. The #BestCommitteeHearing on the Boundary Waters

AOC exposed mining lobbyist Tom Bakk in her committee hearing and gave space for a local Boundary Waters volunteer to speak about the scientific consensus on what the mine would do to the land and water.

And, read more about Big Oil’s tactics to warp climate data in a recent study conducted by Stanford.

8. The #BestBagel drama

Your NewsDigest authors are fans of Asa’s Bagels. (They are not injected with cream cheese to avoid taxes though!)

9. The #BestAndWeirdestSpaceNews

Hint: It may involve a star swallowing a planet.

10. Pour yourself the #BestCup of (Rock 'n Roll) ambition

Dolly is releasing an incredible album of 30 Rock ‘n Roll covers, featuring some of the greats: Lizzo and Sasha Flute, Stevie Nicks, Elton John, Pat Benatar, Miley Cyrus and… a Beatles reunion. 

And that’s a wrap!

Send us what you’re reading, watching, and listening to.

Until next time,

Katie Blanchard (she/her)
Basebuilding Director

Jessica Zimmerman (she/her)
Development Director